Mark 10
1 So, Happy Cat wuz liek kthxbai, an went to Joodea.
2 teh pharuseez sed "okai, so can kittehs gets a divorce?"
3 an Happy Cat wuz liek "um, dunno. what mozus sai?" cuz they wuz testin him
4 "mozus saed k"
5 tehn Happy Cat sed "no wai, stfu
6 Ceiling Cat clearly maed gurl and boy kittehs
7 an boy kittehs gotta gets it on
8 an teh kittehs gets mairrege an no divorce,
9 cuz Ceiling Cat made em wun"
10 laeter Happy Cat wuz on teh sofa an hiz deesiplez wur like "no wai."
11 an Happy Cat sed "wai. kittehs no sposed tuh get divorce.
12 if a kitteh gets divorce its a adultree."
LOLCat Bible Translation Project