Where does it end?

Dec 15, 2008 22:19

I Knew Bernie Madoff Was Cheating, That's Why I Invested with Him

Posted Dec 12, 2008 12:45pm EST by Henry Blodget in Investing, Newsmakers, Banking
Related: ^dji, &gspc, ^ixic

From ClusterStock.com, Dec. 12, 2008:

Interesting tidbits coming in about Bernie Madoff.

Specifically, we're hearing that the smart money KNEW Bernie had to be cheating, because the returns he was generating were impossibly good. Many Wall Streeters suspected the wrong rigged game, though: They thought it was insider trading, not a Ponzi scheme. And here's the best part: That's why they invested with him.


And so...

Judge signs order to protect Madoff investors

1 hour ago

NEW YORK (AP) - A federal judge on Monday threw a lifesaver to investors who may have been duped in one of Wall Street's biggest alleged frauds, saying they need the protection of a special government reserve fund set up to help investors at failed brokerage firms.

U.S. District Judge Louis L. Stanton ordered that clients of Bernard Madoff's private investment business seek relief under a federal statute created to rescue cheated investors. Stanton also ordered that business be liquidated under the jurisdiction of a bankruptcy court and named attorney Irvin H. Picard as trustee to oversee that process.

Stanton signed the order after the Securities Investor Protection Corporation asked that steps be taken to protect investors in the scheme, which has ensnared several major banks and prominent figures as victims and could result in as much as $50 billion in losses.


too big to fail

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