(no subject)

Aug 11, 2008 11:22

Started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender from the beginning this weekend via this site, courtesy of thistle_chaser. Thanks! I've seen eps here and there, but this is the first time I've gotten to sit down and watch them in order. Still on Book One.

Also watched some Olympic stuff. Missed most of the Opening Ceremonies, which sucks because I really wanted to see the drummers. No big deal, though. I'll find it online eventually. Watched random events, including some of men's volleyball at 1AM when I couldn't sleep ;-;

Not sleeping Saturday night made no sense. I had no caffeine other than my morning coffee since we were out of iced tea, and I did more than usual in household chores. Oh well, at least I slept better last night, though I still ended up oversleeping.

In FFXI-land, I have realized that in what has to be pure stubborn contrariness on my part, I miss having so many events. Since Sky is on hiatus and I had to stop doing Dynamis, I feel a bit lost most of the week. There is something wrong when I have to argue with myself as to why voluntarily organizing a Sky run is A Bad Idea, even though it really does need to get done. We don't need much to complete existing pop sets, and MG is the only timer NM we need.

Took a SS, which of course I forgot to upload, but I finally learned Hexa Strike Saturday. Still working on the Morgenstern latent, and I'd like to get that broken before I hit 230 and go for Black Halo.

Also got myself another 5 rankup points and 2K towards Yigit Gages doing Breaking Morale with Xianra and Arcticfox, who needed AP for Salvage.

Tried THF/DNC on Elder Goobues Sunday. I was okay on the DC-EM ones, but the Ts kicked my ass. While I was right to go with the higher ACC build, I think I needed more EVA. In fact, I think a full EVA setup with SH + The Fugly Hat O-hat, etc would be good for soloing those. It means getting the SH off my mule, but oh well. With better EVA, it might be possible to actually use TP for weaponskills on the DCs at least, which would make the kills faster. With having to keep TP for dances, it was pretty slow going.

The only buyable piece I have left for my mage jobs (that I really want) is a Prism Cape unless I decide to go for total MPeen with an Errant Cape someday. Might also replace my Ugg Pendant and get a Sorcerer's Ring someday for BLM, but I'm not particularly fussed about either of those items. Need/want a few more things off the AH for THF, but my gear is not embarassing (aka I am not running around in AF pants + SH at L75).
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