And we won! Many, many thanks to
thistle_chaser and
xvolph. Your strategy posts made all the difference.
Entered on Firesday with WARx2, PLD, RNG, WHM, RDM/DRK (me). CS nuked the BLU on the first round, which is a risk, but honestly, no RDM worth their hat is going to have a decent amount of MP left by the time Alexander is down to 25%. May as well use it when you have the MP and Convert timer. And honestly, the time saved on the BLU round made a difference IMO.
Had one death during the BLU rounds, but our only stops were to sleep him during Azure Lore and while Deano, our WHM, got MP back during the 3rd round. We were going to use the strat of taking down Razfahd near the end of the 3rd BLU round, but couldn't manage that since it was our PLD, Tarushan, that was weakened.
Still, Razfahd is weaksauce. I rested MP while they took him down, then we rested to full for Alexander.
Tarushan stood at max range to not get drawn in while Lokiseinn, Almont and Oddyseus (WAR, WAR, RNG) were off to the right. With Taru so far back, Alexander was too busy spamming Radiant Sacrament to cure himself. When Taru died, Al and Loki and Oddy spaced out more (Al took Taru's spot at a distance on the left side), so only one of them ever got hit at a time.
Got a bit hairy towards the end, but everyone had plenty of meds, and that definitely made a difference as well (though the delay on hi-ethers sucks ass). He was down to a sliver of health with almost everyone weakened. Lokiseinn, weakened, used Mighty Strikes and was running up to the mob when Oddyseus polished him off with a Sidewinder.
He used that Cure move only once the entire fight, which was very, very good. That Omega move went off before it showed on my chat log, which is bad.
What was absolutely fucking amazing is that we had almost 15 minutes left.
We won, we won, we won! /dance /dance /dance
I am not doing that fight again for a long, long, time.