[Private to the Marquis - Written]
It was never about you. You didn’t truly deserve what happened, except that you fell in love with the wrong man. I’m not sorry for what happened, as I assume you would have turned on him eventually. Perhaps one day you will see that.
You bitch. There is not a word strong enough for what you did. You betrayed me when I needed you the most. Why keep quiet until that moment? You are not a stupid woman. I would not have married you if you were. And yet you act as if you have not the sense God gave you. We could have had everything…but you were unwilling to make sacrifices.
I loved you, I think. And you loved me. But you were not prepared to do what it takes to love me. And I can’t fault you for that. No one can be what I need.
[There’s just a whole lot scratched out. Very angrily.]
I want my game now.
[Public - Video]
[The camera switches on to show Iago up on deck. He’s got fading bruises on his face, but they’re barely noticeable in the shadowy light. He sniffles once and then turns the camera around to face the stars.]
People once made pictures out of the stars. They used them to predict the future, too, but that’s not an issue here. Astrology isn’t exactly something you can follow when the stars aren’t the same from one night to the next.
I do wish we could predict it, though.
[Dramatic sigh.] I didn’t predict him returning. [Oh yes, he’s referring to the Master.] I didn’t want him returning. Yes, I spoke about…that place, but only because I was free there. Don’t fault me for wanting that freedom back.
[He sits up in his chair and then turns the camera around to show a copy of Othello. It’s the one the Master gave him right before leaving.] This is what he gave me. This is what he wanted me to remind him of. To be who I used to be. I don’t want it. [And he tosses it off screen, presumably off the edge of the Barge.]
Go to hell, Master. I want nothing to do with you.
[And the transmission cuts off...so he can retrieve his book without anyone noticing on camera....]
[Note slipped under the Master's door]
I would have made a great artist of the stage.