May 04, 2014 21:01
It's almost a year since I made my carefully-considered foolhardy vow to do Bay to Breakers in 2014. I made it hoping to encourage and inspire myself, and it succeeded at that -- I made a number of efforts to get back into running. The efforts themselves failed. I still can't run 2 miles without serious joint pain, let alone 7.
I left myself a way out at the time -- that if I can't run B2B, I can run a little bit and walk the rest, and I'm not required to do it as part of the official race. So, on May 17th I'm going to take a walk from one end of San Francisco to the other. It will be partly celebratory -- because I'm keeping my word, and because at least I can walk as much as I want -- and partly mournful. Not giving up yet, though.