Just like Neelix in Phage

Jan 30, 2006 13:02

I feel like a wounded targ. One that was hunted by klingons until it stopped breathing, then had its guts removed and chewed up, then replaced back into its body. And then was banged on the head with a bat'leth.

At first I just thought it was a nasty cold and I was being a sissy. I drank tea and told myself that I would be better in 24 hours. I ignored it throughout Saturday (because I feel not as bad during the day). Then that night everything hit me hard. Coughing, vomiting, nausea, the works. I passed out on the bathroom floor onto my face leaving some nasty marks on my forehead and nose (which Renae kindly suggested she could cut me some bangs for). Sunday Tiff drove me to OHSU and generously sat around all day while I was poked and prodded. When the doctor listened to my lungs, she said, "oh, that's a nasty rattle." I don't think lungs are supposed to do that. It was determined, after xrays, that I didn't have pneumonia, but instead a viral infection in my lungs...aka "rattling lung disease." She prescribed me some fantasmic cough syrup with codine and some decongestant. Unfortunately, I learned last night that the cough syrup (although it helps enormously with the cough and throat pains) also makes me dizzy. I couldn't sleep and had a fever again. I even had dreams that made me dizzy in my sleep. At some point in the night I (for whatever reason) decided it was a good idea to walk downstairs to the RA office to get a thermometor and some other medic supplies. I learned that dizziness and nausea don't bode well for walking down stairs. I fell again - but at least not on my face this time. I feel like such an invilid and miss being able to walk correctly. I don't remember the last time I felt this terrible. But the doctor promised me that I should be okay in about five days - I would just have to be miserable first. Eh.
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