Feb 12, 2011 14:09
So Deadpool's not on my item anymore. Anyone seen him around, or is this another someone vanishing without warnin' thing?
Might be nice ta at least get a head's up about this stuff, Admiral.
I was thinkin', since we've had kinda a... rough week, maybe havin' a movie night comin' up sometime after dinner this week, try and get somethin' goin' that isn't gonna be too depressing that everyone can watch at a normal hour. Any suggestions? I was thinkin' somethin' along the lines of Some Like it Hot or somethin', but I'm definitely open to ideas.
[Private to T'Pol]
How are you doin' today meow? [You can totally hear the smirk.]
always follow the chain o' command,
movie night is what keeps me going,
deadpool: nuttier than squirrel poo,
the barge isn't as fun as enterprise,
superman was laced with metaphor,
trip is a geek,
we're like space romeo and juliet,
why couldn't my inmate be a klingon,
[game]: lastvoyages