MEGA, MEGA post...

May 04, 2009 09:24

So, I actually might break this down into a couple of posts...but then again I may not. I have not posted in forever, and for that I am sorry. Things have been crazy around here, and with work and all, it's hard to find time to upload pictures and post them. But here I am--this post is for you Steph!!! I miss you!!! School is DONE in just TWO Tuesdays!!!! It's really hard to believe that this chapter in my life is just about finished. So weird....yet so exciting! =)

I have been extremly bad and have not really been taking a picture a day recently....and I did a bad job at keeping track which picture was for which day when I did, so this post will just be pictures....and no dates. ;-)  Things are definitely not in don't pay attention to that!


Mom with her huge cereal bowl ;-)

Yes. We had a rat. A RAT in our house that we were working on catching for quite some time.... He was getting very bold...

the culprit
The kids piano recital--this was the weekend of my birthday, and my parents were gone for the I was the chauffer =D Fun stuff!


Lydia playing her duet with Kate--thier piano teacher. They played" Dawn" from the new Pride and was beautiful


Johnny's hands

 My stud of a brother ;-)

Isn't that beautiful?

At work one day---it was a most GORGEOUS day!!

Mr. Baby--aka. Keller

Nathan and Holland

I got these tulips from my daddy for being in---My Fair Lady

This is the whole cast, and also the only picture I got...MRs. Landry--front middle, was our director..directly behind her is Eliza (aka. Alexis) and Mr. Henry Higgins (aka, Micah). Twas such fun!!!!!

Three of the guys practicing at one of the few drama practices I was able to attend.

Jesse--in the front, was Eliza's father...Alfred Dolittle, Josiah, in the middle, was his good friend...and Micah is filling in for Billy here...

Bethany and I at one of the rehearsals

part of the front yard, at the W. house--where I work.


Keller (sorry for the red eye...)

Holland almost never lets me get a good picture of her...

Little miss Sleeping Beauty ;-) 

Maddie, Johnny and I went to go see a movie after I got home from orchestra one Tuesday night...the movie theater was brand new, so they were showing movies for a dollar, along with dollar drinks and popcorn. We went and saw "Bedtime Stories" it was pretty good! I enjoyed it ;-)

The day of my birthday, thye brought chocolate cupcakes with BRIGHT blue icing for me...and they sang to me. It was so sweet! I had a fantastic birthday :)

Sorry that they are sideways....

Bethany and I that night---we were getting ready to watch "Sweet Home Alabama" --one of my favorite chick flicks..we ahve it on clean films, so no language.  Fun times! =D

This is what you get when you leave for a few min....i had quite a few of these type of pics on my camera when I returned ;-)

mmmm yummy!

yum! Sorry for the sideways once again.

Yeah, Benji was messing with my headcovering before Church....

I  have kicked myself soooooo hard ever since this dayafter orchestra, and dad had picked me up and we had to run by his work for a min, and when we parked....we were greeted the the most GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS sight I think I have seriously EVER seen in my entire 18 years. And. All I had was my dinky little 7. 1 megapixels Pentax camera with me... The sky was soooooo dark, and against it, was the BRIGHTEST most clear DOUBLE could see the whollle entier thing. it looked like an archway into heaven or something. IT ws breath taking....I just wish I had my Olympus camera with me, because I know I could have gotten a better shot with that....of course it still wouldn't have done it justice...but it would have been better.  It was amazing guys. I mean, if an unbelever looked at could ther even be a doubt in their minds that there was a Creator out there??

This doesn't show it as well...but the second rainbow was really clear as well. Beautiful.

The ride home was just as gorgeous almost....

=D God is GOOD!!!!

Wedding pictures next.....

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