The 1st day of NaNoWriMo is slowly creeping to a close, i'm not going to go into specifics about the hours and such though, and I have to say that it was certainly a unique experience.
I've spent the day effectively writing out my prologue, yes that means I haven't technically got into my story yet but i'm getting there, in fact tomorrow i'll be starting the main section. It was certainly harder than I had initially thought, and i'd thought that it was going to be extremely difficult in the first place. I must have wasted a number of hours with Word open but paying absolutely no attention to it, I really should get into the swing of multitasking watching/listening to things on Youtube and typing this. It's been the first time in about a year however since i've done anything which involved a large amount of typing, the last time was during my AS year of school with those lovely English Language coursework pieces. Today my mind was stuck in the thought process of 'this is work so i'm going to goof off' which was a pain and a half.
I am now happy to say though that i've at least reached 1.6k which is over the average, I think? I'm under my personal goal which is a pain at the moment. While i've called it quits for the time-being, I might go and shove a little more at the end to tie up where i'm going with it, right now i've just left the thing hanging with a rather slopping ending which might not go into the main story very well. No one said you had to write a section in one go anyway.
Other news though. My brain has turned to mush in a sense, I need to find a new word instead of 'and', i'm also in love with commas. I went through the whole portion of this writing without a single piece of dialogue and the mentioning of a name once, good or bad thing? Either way, i've decided that regardless of the date, i'm personally saying the end of my day is when I go to sleep, which is about 3am.
...And i'm not sure how much i'm actually going to manage to write tomorrow. I've got a busy day with my ferrets going to be spayed and seeing a counsellor...while also cleaning two cages, dusting/sweeping/mopping my room. I have the feeling that my evening is going to be forfeit. The scene tomorrow is probably just going to be build up for main plot device...which will likely come into play on the 3rd.
I have an idea on where i'm going with this. Good news! And my wrist is cramping!