Tangled Blood, Part 10

Feb 07, 2006 13:14

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10

fred&george!!!!! yay!

That night, after dinner, she remembered Draco's whispered words. The middle left side drawer. She sat in the desk chair and with caution left over from years of her brothers, she pulled the drawer opened; when nothing jumped out, she looked inside.

An envelope lay on top of soft gray fabric. She opened the envelope and pulled out a letter.

Weasel- I talked to my dad, about the diary this morning, while we waited for you. Wouldn't tell me much about it, still. He showed it to me, though. Potter did a number on it, didn't he? Well, I don't know if you'd even appreciate this, but I snatched it after my dad left. While you were in the bathroom, I snuck it into your room; I'm sitting at your desk, as I write this actually. Don't know if you want the damn thing back, but it's here if you do. If not...Just keep it hidden, and I'll sneak it back to my dad on winter holiday. -Ferret

Uncertainly, Ginny pulled that package wrapped loosely in gray fabric; shaky fingers pulled the fabric off and wide brown eyes stared at the black cover; most had been destroyed by the fang but it was the same black color she remembered, the same gold colored corners. Her breathing grew deeper as she touched the jagged hole where Harry had stabbed it.

Memories from her first year flooded her mind, then memories from others years. She hadn't thought much of Tom, done her best to push him back while at school, but she'd missed him. She'd swore she heard him sometimes, but that was something she had eventually kept to only her dreams, to protect herself from the girls who still were wary of her.

Ginny opened the diary; Tom wasn't still in there, he couldn't be. But her fingers found her quill anyway and she began to write on the ink stained page in front of her.

Hi Tom. It's Ginny.

She waited, but the ink didn't fade, and no one wrote back. After a moment, she pulled her wand out and tapped the book. "Reparo!" she whispered, almost desperately.

The jagged hole mended itself slowly, and most of the ink stains disappeared. Ginny closed the book and her fingers traced the black cover, which was more intact but not complete.

She opened it again and pressed her quill to the page.

Tom, are you still there?

Disappointed that the ink didn't fade, a tear slid down Ginny's cheek and landed on the page.

Ginny, you know I'm not there anymore.

"Tom?" she whispered.

Don't push me away again, Ginny.

"Tom, that's really you?"

Don't you remember?

"Remember what?"

Didn't you ever wonder?

Ginny looked around the room. "I don't understand, Tom...Wonder what?"

I've always been here. Remember? You gave yourself to me. When Harry tried to destroy me, you let me in. That's why you never died, Ginny. He was too late. He wouldn't have been able to save you. If you hadn't let me in, we both would have died.

"....You're inside me?"

My soul is. The piece of my soul from the diary.

"But...Your soul is inside me?"

Does that bother you?

"Well..not really. I don't understand, though... how you did that, I mean."

Harry Potter drove my soul from the diary. When he ravished it with the fang, he freed my soul from it. It should have merely disintegrated and disappeared, but you were there. You cried for me, Ginny.

"It hurt...I felt pain deep inside..."

That's because we were already joined, Ginny. Every time you wrote in the diary, every time I answered you.

"I don't understand." Ginny stared at the opened book on her desk, confusion across her face. "How did that join us?"

You trusted me so much, every time I answered you, a little more of my soul poured into you. When you let me leave the diary, Ginny. Each time you let me possess you.

"But you were still in the diary, then..."

But we were tied together.

"But what happened when Harry stabbed the diary?"

I'd often wondered if I'd be able to completely leave the diary and enter your body. The only way I could see to test it though, was to destroy the diary, and in case it didn't work, I didn't want to risk it before we'd finished opening the Chamber. But I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter when Harry Potter stabbed the diary. I had to try, I wasn't about to just let him kill me. He couldn't hear you, because you were unconscious to him, but you were crying. You were pulling me towards you, you and the bits of soul I'd already given you. It's an ancient magic, very dark, to let a person permanently join another's body. But I'd learned about it when I learned of Horcruxes.

"Of what?"

A Horcrux. It's something, alive or inanimate, that a person places a part of their soul into, for safe keeping. The diary was a Horcrux I created.

"Safe keeping?"

That way, if my physical body was killed, I wouldn't be dead. With part of my soul safe, I could come back.

"But Harry ruined the diary..."

And I joined you in your body, Ginny. Listen carefully. For the first time, Ginny heard something besides the soft caring thoughts she'd been hearing; it was more frustrated, irritated. My soul was momentarily free from the diary after he stabbed it, and you pulled me in. I said the magic to seal it, but you let me in. I didn't honestly believe it would work; I knew that a significant death was required to create a Horcrux, and no one had died yet from the basilisk. I believed that both of us would die that night, Ginny. But it was a chance, a slim chance, that I could enter your body, and save both of us.

"So...how did it work if no one died?"

That I'm not entirely sure of. I suppose it worked, because someone already died. That part of my soul, that Horcrux, had already been sealed with the death of that mudblood Myrtle. I suppose that transferring it did not require the same conditions. I'm not certain, though, Ginny; I haven't ever read of such a case.

"Transferring it....? Does that mean.... I..."

You are my Horcrux Ginny.

"Oh wow...That's rather... That's actually rather brilliant."

Thank you, Ginny.

"You said a death is usually required?"

To create the Horcrux, yes.

"Well...The basilisk died, right? That was important to you. Maybe that was the death that was needed."

That's... possible. As I said, I haven't heard of such a case so I can't be sure...

"Well, I don't know if that's what happened. I mean, I've never even heard of a Horcrux until you said it."

It's a good guess.

"I...I don't remember waking up there...Harry says I talked to him, but I don't remember. I don't remember anything, until I was in the hospital wing..."

I took control. Your mind was still prepared to die, and with the return to life, I was afraid you would tell Harry the wrong things in your confusion. I took control when the body woke up, to make sure that I told Harry only the things that would lead him to believe he had saved you, that he had won. I had to protect us both.

Ginny closed the tattered diary and carefully wrapped it back up in the fabric. "You've really been with me, then?" A smile crossed her face. "I thought...it was all just me, making things up." She gently put it back in to the drawer and closed it.

No, Ginny. It was me. I promised you I wouldn't leave you.

"Why did you wait until now? Why didn't you say anything before?"

I did. You pushed me back. You wouldn't let me. You can remember what you've done that, can't you?

"Yes...I was scared...The way they looked at me after that...They whispered...I just wanted to be normal."

That's why I had to wait, Ginny. I had to wait until you came looking for me.

"I'm sorry, Tom..."

No tears, Ginny. There was no harm.

"I made you wait so long."

Not so long. Two years isn't so much time.

"You've been watching me, right?"

I have. I know what you've done.

"I was looking for you. In the library, through Snape...Then why did you wait until now? I have been looking. I did want you."

I told you Ginny. I've tried to speak to you, but you pushed me away. Dreams you ignored; thoughts you've shoved back.

"People thought I was crazy. Crying about you in my sleep. Muttering things to someone who wasn't there. Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey wanted to send me home during my second year because the nightmares wouldn't stop. Thought I should see someone at St. Mungo's to talk about what had happened. Professor McGonagall talked to my parents. Ron's never looked at me the same since. I told Fred and George...and even they look at me different. Fred seems scared of me sometimes..."

I know, Ginny. I was with you through all of it. I know it was hard for you, but you didn't let them take me away. You didn't let their looks affect you. I'm not mad at you, Ginny.

Sighing softly, her smile widened. "I know, Tom...you were never mad at me." She ran her hand over the closed drawer. "You understood."

I still understand.

"You won't go away again, right?"

Only if you make me, Ginny.

"I won't make you...Not now. Things are different now."

They are different. You've changed your life.

"Yeah..." She paused. "It's...It's what you wanted, right? I mean...I waited for you, and when you didn't come back, I went looking for you. That's what you wanted...right?"

It's close, Ginny. Close enough for now. Don't worry about it.

"I missed you, Tom...I missed you so much."

I'm here.

"I know...I still can't believe it, though...It's like a dream..."

A dream that won't end this time.

Ginny picked her brush up from the desk and began to run it gently through her long matted hair. "We can talk again."

We can, if you like.

"I would...It's been so lonely, I didn't think I had anyone...Fred and George, but I couldn't tell them everything. They wouldn't understand everything. But you do. You understand, Tom."

You're older now, but still the Ginny I knew. Watching from so far away, I felt as though I lost you. You wouldn't still be my Ginny.

"Oh, Tom... How could I stop being your Ginny? You gave me so much, taught me so much. Not matter how much time goes by, I won't change that much."

Ginny paused in her brushing when Tom didn't answer. "Tom? Is something wrong?"

You'll always be my Ginny?

"Of course...Why do you even have to ask that?"

My Ginny in everything?

"Yes, why?"

My Ginny has spent many hours doing unmentionable things with unpleasant boys at school. My Ginny went to a dance with a rather inept boy and stayed out quite late. My Ginny was in bed with Draco Malfoy.

"Tom..." Her cheeks flushed. "You were there?"

I told you, I've always been here, with you.

She set the brush down, cheeks still red. "I like Draco. The other boys, they... they didn't mean anything. But I do like Draco. It's not a bad thing...."

Then you are not my Ginny.

"I am! I just... If you... You're part of me...You can't even hold my hand. I can't hear your voice anymore, I can't look into your eyes. You haven't lost me...I just..." She faltered.

You wanted something physical? Someone that can hold you?

"Sort of... I thought you were gone, Tom..."

I still care about you Ginny.

"I care about you too! Please don't be upset. I'm sorry..."

I'm not angry, Ginny... I feel betrayed.

"I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise, Tom...I have never meant to hurt you..."

And Draco?

She sighed and picked the brush up again.. "His mum wants us to marry someday...I don't know if that's what I want. But right now, I don't mind him. He's kind of sweet, when he tries. He gave me back the diary, after I told him what it meant to me...I don't know how long it will last, Tom. But please don't make me leave him right now..."

He makes you happy now? I remember when he made you cry.

"I know he did. I think...he's just a confused as I am...He's different..."

I dare say you spoke more reasonably when you were eleven, Ginny.

"When I was eleven...I didn't know what boys could do. What they could cause."

...You promised yourself to me.

"I haven't forgotten. It's still me and you, Tom. I promise."

Me and you, Ginny.

The teenage girl looked slightly uncomfortable. "Were you there...for everything?"

To some extent. I can block you out if I chose to. I don't have to be an Occlumens to ignore an unskilled girl's thoughts. I didn't want to know everything and I don't think you wanted an audience, so I gave you privacy.

She smiled again. "That was sweet, Tom... thank you."

You're welcome, Ginny.


"Mellantha!" Narcissa knocked on Ginny's door. "You've got mail today, a letter form Draco!"

"Oh!" Ginny quickly set her crocheting on her desk and hurried to the door. She opened it and smiled at Narcissa. "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome, dear." The woman handed Ginny an envelope addressed to Mellantha Lestrange.

Ginny nodded and closed the door. She sat back her desk and opened her mail.

Dear Mellantha,

The first week of classes is over now. My father was quite correct, this year is going to be different. Dumbledore couldn't find a new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts. The Ministry passed a law that allows them to appoint one in such a case. Professor Umbridge is our new DADA teacher. She's already given Potter detention.

I heard that Weasley made the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I think it's safe to say that Slytherin is going to take the cup this year.

There are some rumors going around school about the Weasley girl that disappeared. Some of the girls in her house are claiming they knew all along. Claim they caught her performing dark magic in the middle of the night. Even a Weasley wouldn't be that dense.

There's a Ravenclaw girl, Loony Lovegood, who claims it can't be true. Says the Weasley girl was always nice to her.

I can't believe they're making such a fuss about it. If it was a Slytherin instead of a Gryffindor, no one would care.

I hear the Weasley twins have been testing something on first years. Haven't seen anything worth mentioning yet, but I'm keeping my eye open; heard something about canaries.

How's the manor? Mum's letter said you had a bit of a run-in with my dad. He's been stressed at the Ministry, and he's not used to having anyone there during the school year, so please try to stay out of his way.

The end of the term is about three and a half months away. Don't get too bored while I'm gone.

I suppose that's all of the interesting news for now. Write me back, and let me know how you're doing.

Oh. Crabbe and Goyle say hello.


Ginny smiled. She pulled out her quill and began her reply.

Dear Draco,

You'll have to tell me how Professor Umbridge does in class. I'm not surprised that Dumbledore had problems finding a new teacher. With what you've told me before, it sounds like the job is cursed.

I agree with you, if it was a Slytherin girl that had disappeared, no one would care. Some of those rumors are funny. Dark magic at night, huh? They catch her in the common room or something? Honestly.

Loony Lovegood? That's a name. Sounds like the kind of girl that people are nice to, to her face, but behind her back they talk.

If you see a first year with yellow feathers, be sure to send me a picture. That sounds brilliant.

Your dad and I, well, that's something I'd rather talk about in person than through letters, so I suppose it'll have to wait until you come back. We haven't had anything since, if it makes you feel better.

I keep myself occupied with things around the house. I help your mum sometimes. I go out in the garden; it's so pretty out there. I'm crocheting a scarf for you, in green and silver. I hope to have it done by the time you come home. I've snuck down to the town a couple times. I plan to go some more. The bartender remembers me and asks about you. Maybe we can go back when you come home. Your dad doesn't take me to the Ministry with him anymore. I'll tell you about that on winter break as well.

Things haven't been too interesting here. Day after day, it's the same thing. My private tutor should be coming on Mondays and Thursday, and some Saturdays. So I do spend some time doing my homework and practicing charms and whatnot.

I really liked the book you gave me. I didn't expect it at all. But it made me really happy.

I miss you a bit. It is kind of lonely without you here and the manor is so big. I don't know how your mother stands it sometimes.

Saturday night this week, your father and I are going out to meet some of his friends. I'll let you know how that turns.

Tell Crabbe and Goyle that I said hello back.


Ginny folded the letter up and tucked it inside an envelope; she wrote "Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts" on the front and set it on the corner of her desk to take down later.


"You sure it worked?" Fred whispered. He and his twin were up in their dorm room alone, Lee and the rest of the boys down at dinner.

"I'm sure. Everything I've put in there has disappeared."

"But how do you know where it went?"

"I don't know for sure."

"This might be dangerous, George."

"That's never stopped us before, Fred."

"The muggle sweatshirt?"

"Disappeared the first day."

"The purple yarn?"

"Disappeared a day after."

"The extendable ear?"

"...almost a week before it disappeared."

"Maybe it's not working right."

"Or maybe she's not checking the box that often anymore. It's been a month and a half, Fred. I would like to think she's probably established where she's living by now."

"I hope so. According to Mum, the clock still says 'mortal peril' with her hand. Except when it says 'traveling.' At least it still moves?"

"Exactly. We know she's still alive, and she's not at Azkaban."

"All right. Go ahead, put it in there. We'll see if it works. Or if the wrong person gets it."

George nodded. He dropped a folded up piece of paper into a medium sized box.


That night after dinner, Ginny went back to her room. The meal had been quiet, aside from Narcissa relaying Draco's letter to Lucius.

Smiling, Ginny folded up the letter he'd sent her and tucked it back into it's envelope. She pulled out her cardboard box from it's place tucked under the desk.

Keeping the letter? It means that much?

Ginny sighed. "Yes. Are you going to question everything I do? The Tom I remember trusted me."

Just making conversation.

Ginny moved a small bunch of clothes from the box to her bed. She knew it would be easier to just hang them in her closet, but she feared that would give Narcissa a reason to get rid of the box.

You should get rid of it.

"I don't want to."

You hold on to family that is tainted. Your first year you wanted to get away from them.

"Fred and George...You know. They were there, they took care of me...When people would whisper or talk about me...They were there, they didn't just ignore it like Ron did. They made them stop."

They are still blood traitors. You said that yourself, to Lucius. 'My family, they might be.' you told him.

"Fred and George don't actively support muggles like my father does. They just ignore them...Except for Harry's cousin. I heard they left him a gift that didn't turn out so well for him."


"They don't know where I am... It's okay, Tom, Draco said it was..."

You didn't tell him everything.

"I didn't need to! It wasn't important..."

Tom didn't answer.

Ginny pulled a stray knitted hat from the box, then blinked and looked inside. She reached down and pulled a folded piece of paper from the bottom of the box. She stared at it a moment before unfolding it and reading it.

Hey, Ginny. Hopefully you got this letter. It means we got the magic right. It's something we've been working on for quite a while, for when we were in separate detentions.

Your box is linked to a box we have. It's only one way linked, so any magic is only detected at our end. Anything we put in our box, you can see in your box and once you touch it, it disappears from our box and goes to you permanently. We can send you anything we can fit in the box. There's no way to track where the items are going so there's no way to find you through it. The only thing we can tell is that someone is getting the items because they disappear on our end. With our boxes, we have them two way linked, so we can send things back and forth and we know if it works right, but we didn't want any magic to happen on your end and the wrong person to find you. We also purposely made it so that there is no way for anyone to find you through the box without going through it themselves.

We thought it might be fun to send you things. Hoped you would appreciate it.

We also enchanted the box you have so that it holds more than it looks like it could [Dad's been teaching us things while Mum is chasing around Ron, Harry, and Hermione.] so you shouldn't run out of room for awhile.

That's about all we have to say right now. We're not certain this is going to the right place, so we'll wait a bit before we send another letter; if nothing happens...We'll assume you're getting them. Sorry you can't reply back, but we didn't want you to be in any more danger than you already are. Take care, Gin. Mum still hopes you'll come home. Bill wrote asking about you. Just be careful. -Fred & George

Ginny blinked away tears as she finished the letter. "I told you that Fred and George took care of me...'

They're quite concerned about you, aren't they? That's quite a risk, not knowing where the things are going, to send a letter like that.

"Fred and George don't usually mind taking risks... That actually makes it more fun to them."

They're taking care to make sure that they can communicate with you, but that they don't know where you are.

"They're protecting me...They don't want me to go to Azkaban."

I don't think they'd have quite the reputation they do if everyone knew how they helped you.

"They would probably be expelled....And in lots of trouble with the Ministry..."

That'd be the easy part of it. I hear the guards at Azkaban don't really care what your crime is. Whether you murdered someone, kept an unauthorized creature, or just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...they treat everyone like a murderer.

"Don't talk like that, Tom...Fred and George won't go to Azkaban... They're..."

Smarter than that?

"Well..." She sighed. "I know them. If there's a way to get out of it, they'll find that way."

You think they'll save you, as well.

"I do..." She felt uncomfortable, knowing he could see her thoughts. "I'm afraid of Azkaban...George said they'd help me. I trust them."

You're not that naive. You've heard about people on trial. No one wants to go to Azkaban. They'll give up every name they know to avoid it. Your brothers won't save you if giving you up means they get out of Azkaban.

"That's not true! Don't talk that way! Fred and George would never do that to me!"

They would, and you know it.

"No!" Ginny shook her head, wishing she could shake Tom from it. "No, they won't....They love me, Tom...They've made it so they can't. Giving up my name won't help them, people already think I'm a Death Eater. And they can't give up my location."

You don't know that. Maybe they lied to you.

"They didn't! They didn't lie!!"

Ginny looked up wide-eyed as someone outside her door knocked.

"Mellantha? Are you all right?" Narcissa's voice called.

"Yes! I am." Ginny took a breath and headed toward the door.

"Were you shouting, dear?" The door opened, Narcissa smiling but looking a bit concerned.

"I uh..." Ginny searched her head frantically. "I was writing something...a story... Just trying to see how it would go in real life...you know, things seem more real when you can hear them, instead of just reading it..." She smiled weakly.

Narcissa nodded uncertainly. "All right." She still looked doubtful. "Try to keep it down just a bit." She turned and headed back down the hall.

Ginny pushed the door closed and sighed in relief. "See that? Thanks a lot. Now she thinks I'm crazy, too..."

You're yelling at a voice in your head.

"Stop it, Tom. I know it's fun to tease me. But I don't like it very much. It's stops being funny after a bit."

I'm sorry, Ginny...I don't want you to be hurt if things don't happen how you want them to."

"Well, that's the wrong way to go about it."

I said I'm sorry, Ginny...I can't erase it...

"I...." Ginny sat on her bed. "I know, Tom. I'm still getting my life back in order, all right? You know how things have been. A lot has happened in just a couple months...I can't just go on with my life like so many people. They look for me. I'm just... frustrated. And I'm still getting used to you being back. I'm...I'm sorry, Tom."

It's all right, Ginny. No worries, I understand.

She smiled.

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