character information sheet

Feb 15, 2020 23:08

Hermione Granger
Harry Potter | Mayfield RPG
Deathly Hallows ; Chapter Thirty-Six: The Flaw in the Plan
Arrival Date: November 18, 195(?)
Deaths: One
Dronings: Three
Occupation: Librarian
Address: 541 Stone Street
Not!Husband: Drone
Not!Daughter: Kyon
Not!Child: Drone

Thread-Jacking: Feel free!
Backthreading: ALWAYS
4th Wall Breaking: I'm fine with this as long as it's not anything after Harry returning "dead" from the Forest or anything Epilogue!
Injury/Death: Mayfield is a horror game! So yes, but please discuss anything too horrific with me first.
Romance/Relationships: I like hideousness! But, Hermione is kinda-sorta dating Ron. So, no.
Sexual Relations: Yeaaah, no.
Physical Contact: Sure, although she'll be ":|" unless she knows you.
Mind Reading: Discuss with me?

Regains: ☆ not regained | ★ regained
★ Wand
☆ Tales of Beedle The Bard
☆ Hogwarts, A History
☆ Spellman's Syllabary
☆ Secrets of the Darkest Art
☆ The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
☆ Mobile Library : Various School and Magical Books
☆ Family Photo
☆ Perfume Ron Gave Her
☆ Wardrobe
☆ Hogwarts School Robes
☆ Prefect's Badge
★ Crookshanks
☆ First Aid Kit
☆ Essence of Dittany
☆ Tent
☆ Potions Making Kit
☆ Cauldron
☆ Polyjuice Potion (enough for one)
☆ Beaded Bag
☆ Tent
☆ Sneak-o-scope
☆ Various Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes Products
☆ Sugar-Free Snacks

★ Fourth Year Level of Magic
★ O.W.L. Level of Magic
☆ N.E.W.T. Level of Magic
☆ Apparation

Abilities: Hermione is a gifted witch. Known as the "Brightest Witch of Her Age" by teachers and peers. The media also describes her as "one of the top students in the school". Unlike what one may expect, Hermione does not come from a magical family and is the first in her family to be magical. This factor makes her push herself to extraordinary measures. That being said!
Charms: Up until her third year when she was allowed to take up other classes, Hermione's favorite subject was Charms and she's brilliant at it. Charms is the one subject that's not completely "static" in its methods. Charms can be used for simple things like levitating objects to making a person cheerful to the point of hysterics.

Transfiguration: Hermione's second best spellwork based subject, she was always the first student to successfully complete her work (as with any class) without any mishaps. Transfiguration is, quite simply, the changing of one object to another. It alters the appearances of inanimate objects to any animate object you can think of and vice versa.

Defense Against the Darkest Arts: Hermione's weakest subject and the only one Harry can beat her at hands down. Defense Against the Dark Arts deals with protection and offensive spells (jinxes and curses qualify here). While in no way is Hermione bad at this topic, especially considering within ten minutes of nonverbal practice she was the first to successfully use a shield spell, it's her weakest. Her weakest point here surprisingly being conjuring the Patronus Charm (while a charm it's a DADA spell)--which is all about happiness.

Potions: Until Harry started using the Prince's words in HBP, Hermione was the top of her class at Potions. At just the age of thirteen she made the Polyjuice Potion which, really, she shouldn't have been able to perform for four more years.

Dueling: Hermione is an exceptional duelist. At the age of sixteen, during her short time battling in the Department of Mysteries, she managed to take down two fully qualified wizards. Furthermore, her reactions are quick and swift in the heat of battle thanks to her analytical nature. Several times during Deathly Hallows she had her wand out and casted a spell before anyone could react. While Rowling says Hermione is no longer able to win a duel against Harry, it's important to note she's likely the second best duelist of the trio.

Personality: (in depth character essay here)
Books and Cleverness? There are more important things--friendship and bravery.
Since the beginning of the series Hermione has been known as an "insufferable know-it-all". And while a lot of the times this may be true, there is so much more to Hermione than what meets the eye. "Greatest Witch of her age" may be what is known of her to the public eye, but there are many other facets to the girls personality: compassion, loyalty, hardwork, opinionated, and through it all... bravery.

The first step to note is Hermione's hardworking nature. Now, it's said a person's patronus is sort of like an animal familiar in the fact the animal it becomes is the one most like the person. In this, Hermione's patronus is revealed to be an otter. Otter's are incredibly hardworking animals, and Hermione shows her own hardworking nature through-and-through. She does everything she can to get her work done on time and even takes liberty to--sometimes, other times she scolds-- help Ron and Harry with it. She makes sure all her school books are read through before school even starts and takes time to make sure she understands it to the fullest of her ability. For Hermione, this is what she's best at and the way she can better help her friends so she determinedly treads her way through it.

But don't worry about her disliking all that work of studying, because honestly? She loves it. One of Hermione's favorite things seems to be grabbing a book and learning something new. In her third year she took so many classes they school allowed her a TimeTurner, an object to go back in time, just so she can fit them all into her clashing schedule. She'll take any class to see if they interest her, but if she doesn't like it or the teacher she has no qualms storming out of class. More importantly, if she thinks the class is fake she won't take it. Hermione is a logical person, something different from many of the other characters, and tries to figure out things through thought before spells. Of course she'll come down to spells to use, but with everything she can Hermione takes her time to go through everything she's learned and decide what's best to be used.

Don't let the book-smarts fool you, Hermione is a compassionate, fiery, and justice-seeking young woman when she wants to be. Her clearest moments of this is her formation of "S.P.E.W.", an organization she made to promote the lifestyle of enslaved House Elves and free them (which most of the House Elves, of course, don't want to). She spends several books trying to promote this and doesn't give it up by the end, in fact she even gets a Ministry Organization for it! If something really bothers Hermione she will stop at nothing to get the decision she thinks they deserve, which was also shown when she tried to help Hagrid save the Hippogriff Buckbeak from being executed. If she's truly pissed off? Well, let's just say Draco Malfoy met that when his face met her fist. Hermione may not always seem like she fits in her house, but when she has something she believes in that Gryffindor nature certainly shows up.

Hermione's greatest fear, at least by book three, is failure. It's true she loves to learn and is hardworking at it, but it's the fear of failure that helps drive her to working as hard as she does. Her way to succeed, of course, is through the books and knowledge she has so when thwarted it's a hard thing for her to face. This fear of failure is also a deep insecurity for her, which is why she tends to hide it under an abrasive and almost snarky nature. This includes her being called "Mudblood", a rude term for someone who has no magical parents, since it means people may try to see her as lesser. However, Hermione constantly proves them wrong when she turns out to be one of the most powerful witches in her year.

Despite her Ravenclaw-esque traits, Hermione's bravery and loyalty is an outstanding thing. Even when she was so terrified of breaking rules and getting expelled, when she was eleven-years-old she still followed her two new best friends into the face of danger and so very many rulebreakings. And this nature continued. In Chamber of Secrets when she knew she was on a list of "Mudbloods in Hogwarts" (basically) by the Heir of Slytherin, she still went to the library and tried her best to find the answer for her friends (which of course got her petrified). Since she became their friend in book one, throughout it all, Hermione has never abandoned Ron and Harry. Sure, for the parts of the books where she and Ron fought with their emotions for one another they spat a lot, she never truly abandoned him either. This loyalty to the boys is shown in everything she does for them, especially when it comes to Harry. After all, in book five, all of Harry's friends were willing to die for him. That's never going to change.

When it comes to emotions, beyond her insecurities, Hermione doesn't mind letting them show. When she's happy, she smiles. When she's pissed? Well, obviously she punches people in the face when it comes down to it. Even when she feels her heart's been torn out, if she's close to the person she's more than willing to dissolve in tears. These emotions are truly what makes Hermione... Hermione. She's not all books and cleverness, she's not the girl that can always be found at Harry's side... She's a girl. A girl who answers things by reason and logic, fights for justice and will die for her friends. She's compassionate and loving, but she also has these deep insecurities. Failure? It's just not acceptable, and so she fights to prove herself. She's a Mudblood and proud of it.


Hermione's most obvious strength is her cleverness. Aside from her clear educational background, her wit is actually an effectient battle strategy. This is most clearly seen in Deathly Hallows when at the Lovegood's house-- with only seconds to think she erases Xeno's memory, hides Ron, and allows the Death Eater's a glimpse of her and Harry before disappearing. While she's being brought before this event, it's certainly a clear look into how Hermione's wit can, ultimately, save the day.

While she cried for a portion of the novel, it's important to note that throughout it all Hermione remained strong. She was a girl who erased her parents memories and was abandoned by the love of her life (literally), but she didn't falter. Hermione has an incredibly strong will that is unimaginable at points. At the age of fourteen when no one cared about their rights she trudged forward and was determined to give House-Elves their rights, still is. Under a torture curse that drove two highly skilled persons, Hermione managed to lie and keep her sanity. All of this, no matter how often she cried or panicked, shows that in the end Hermione can manage to remain strong given any situation.

Hand-in-hand with her cleverness and willpower is Hermione's determination. When she has her mind set on something there's no deterring her. Seen from House-Elves to brewing Polyjuice Potion when she was younger and now to her disbelief in the existence of the Deathly Hallows or Harry's wand performing magic on its own. Her determination is not just set on the aspect of logic and ideas, but also actions. Hermione, as Rowling has said, is not a woman of battle but she will fight to the end if it means the war is over and her friends are safe. This level of determination ties well into her morals which are just as great a strength for her as many of the others seen here.


Although a brilliantly logical thinker this can often be Hermione's downfall. As much as she can often try sometimes, Hermione is incapable of thinking "outside the box". Everything has to be answered straightforwardly with logic and reason, if the answer's not such she'll refuse to accept it. Normally this isn't such a bad thing, but in her world it's a near crushing defeat. When things aren't logical and of reason, Hermione's stumped and has to learned to face the truth, but she doesn't believe it's the truth. This is her determination and stubbornness coming into play and not letting her see the bigger picture. While, yes, she's opened her mind slightly since meeting Luna it's still a terrible weakness of hers.

Hermione's called the "Brightest Witch of her Age" and there's no denying that she is, but she does have magical weakness. Most magic comes naturally to her, but the one aspect she has trouble with is Defense of the Dark Arts. While she's not pitiful at it, in fact quite the opposite, it's still the magical ability she's worse at. Rowling has even mentioned that Harry can easily beat Hermione in a duel at their current age, but there's really no surprises there. Aside from the Defense aspect, Hermione's also still working on performing magic efficiently without a wand. Wordless magic came easily, but wandless magic is finding itself to be quite the feat for the young woman.

Arguably, both of her two best friends follow as her greatest weakness. She'd do absolutely anything for both of them and is vastly protective of them. In fact, their friendship will always be something that nearly gets the three of them killed... and far too often to be a comforting thought! Still, although they're a weakness, Hermione will never abandon either boy or the mission they've set out for. Which one is the greatest weakness for her? That one's easy enough: Ronald Weasley. When he left Hermione became a shell of herself and constantly cried, even though she didn't let Harry see and went through their motions of the day. This is proven by a conversation Harry and Hermione had while Ron was gone that said "she seemed more like her old self". While both boys are weaknesses to her, Ron is the greater one to the girl and the obvious answer to this one is because she loves him.

Mayfield History: » 18 November, 195(?) arrives in Mayfield. First to arrive from the Harry Potter world. At the time Ren and RedPYRO were the only others in the household.
» 25 November, 195(?) Thanksgiving Event. Momo arrives in house, RedPYRO perma-droned. Ren's turkey spews poisonous spiders, Hermione's blood.
» 3 December, 195(?) Tom Riddle arrives in Mayfield. PRETTY RECOGNIZABLE DUE TO TALKING TO A SNAKE.
» 5 December, 195(?) Harry Potter awakens as the third child of the house.
» 6 December, 195(?) Job as Librarian given.
» 25 December, 195(?) Mayfield has its Christmas. Hermione receives books about Mudblood Propaganda and her and the other two dying gruesome deaths. Ren and Momo both droned. Neville, Luna, and Molly have all arrived at this point. Regained her Wand and Fourth Year Level of Magic.
» 06 Janurary, 195(?) Kai Miyagusuku arrives in the house taking the place of not!husband.
» 16 January, 195(?) Turned into eleven-year-old self for twenty-four hours. 
» 14 February, 195(?) The town makes her believe she was in love with Tom Riddle once before. Screw that. Regained Crookshanks. Jade Harley arrives in the house.
» 19 February, 195(?) Ron arrives in Mayfield. James, Sirius, and Lily are also in Mayfield by this time. Cedric Diggory also for a short while.
» 7 March, 195(?) Dies via possession of angels.
» 14 March, 195(?) Noise comes from Dairy, investigates with Harry
» 15 March, 195(?), Road opens up and goes to check it out with Ron. Accidentally snogs him.
» 19 March, 195(?) Shows Ron a bit more around Mayfield winds up in a petstore where Tom's at... Ends in bitchslapping
» 20 March, 195(?) D.A. Kids v. Riddle battle royale at the Dairy. Ends when NPCs come in and all regains are temporarily returned. Offers services to Olivier Armstrong.
» 20-21 March, 195(?) Shit gets real as a giant Mecha attacks the town.
» 29 March, 195(?) Ron pulls her aside to talk about the recent events-- ends in deciding to try and do this relationship thing. Impromptu Quidditch Match.
» 01 April, 195(?) Everything returns to mostly normal. Regains O.W.L. level of her Magic.
» 06 April, 195(?) First Defense Association meeting.
» 07 April, 195(?) Technical "first date" with Ron that was a walk that ended in rock skipping.
» 08 May, 195(?) Canonupdated to the End of Series.
Mun Information.: Name: Kisa
AIM: seasaltmemory
Time-Zone: Central Standard, USA
Personal LJ: trustintomorrow
Plurk: masterofmystery

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