trading log

Oct 16, 2013 19:03

13-10-27 (total: 4)
traded to me (total: 3)
yunnasu traded their gyuri01 for my daesung03 and member cards (2)
hannah traded their nicole07 for my ukwon01 and member cards (1)

traded by me (total: 1)
my minho06 for morgenderper's mv-step09 (1)

13-10-27 (total: 2)
traded to me (total: 2)
ivy traded their jiyoung18 and gyuri20 for my minhwan14 and mv-iamthebest18 and member cards (2)

13-10-26 (total: 13)
traded to me (total: 5)
toastyb traded their nicole13 for my mv-withoutyou10 and member cards (2)
jordyn traded their nicole12 for my mv-warrior11 and member cards (2)
nikki traded their jiyoung14 for my chorong02 (1)

13-10-24 (total: 14)
traded to me (total: 8)
angie traded their kara16 for my nana17 and member cards (2)
rinoa traded their 2pm08, 2pm15, nicole10, nicole15 and for my luna18, photo-perfection02, boa20, & photo-touch07 and member cards (5)
nikki traded their gyuri19 for my tiffany12 (1)

traded by me (total: 6)
my photo-narshaism03 for exusia's special-sexythighs07 (1)
my choa2 for syara's jiyoung11 (1)
my sulli01 & minho04 for morgenderper's gyuri14 & nicole05 and membercards (3)
my yuna14 for vaini's jiyoung06 (1)

13-10-23 (total: 7)
traded to me (total: 0)

traded by me (total: 7)
my junk12 for helix's 2pm11 + member cards (2)
my jongup04 for bommiie's gyuri13 + member cards (2)
my mv-missright06 and hara17 for kit's 2pm13 and jiyoung02 (2)
my hara08 for hannah's jiyoung20(1)

13-10-22 (total: 2)
traded to me (total: 2)
exusia traded their mv-byebyehappydaysjv18 for my cl02 and member cards (2)

traded by me (total: 0)

13-10-21 (total: 17)
traded to me (total: 16)
dhee traded their kara09 and photo-porcelain09 for my mv-chu02 and mv-thechaserjv13 (2)
whitney traded their 2pm07,nicole02 and kara12 for my infinite 20, mv-thechaser05 and mv-thechaserjv05 + membercards (4)
lala traded their jiyoung09 for my mv-yoohoo10 and membercards (2)
ivy traded their jiyoung16 and jiyoung19 for my victoria04 and photo-vita50001 and membercards (3)
jkun traded their 2pm04 and 2pm14 for my mv-hateyou14 and suzy02 and membercards (3)
baystorm traded their kara01 for my daehyun01 and membercards (2)

traded by me (total: 1)
my photo-melting08 for hannah's leo01 (1)

13-10-20 (total: 35)
traded to me (total: 28)
may traded their gyuri02 and kara04 for my hyuna12 and mv-icecream16 + member cards (3)
maggie traded their jiyoung03 for my photo-sherlock05 + member cards (2)
cross traded their kara06 for my jongup08 + member cards (2)
dhee traded their 2pm03, jiyoung13, and jiyoung16 for my kai07, minho06, sungjong18 + member cards (4)
jihee traded their 2pm12 for my mv-monster03 + member cards (2)
lindsay traded their jiyoung14 and mv-step09 for my ukwon03 and mv-runaround04 + member cards (3)
maki traded their jiyoung19 and kara10 for my hyorin10 and mv-verygood09 + member cards (3)
lou traded their 2pm07, gyuri10, jiyoung04, kara18, porcelain02 for my sohyun06, mv-femalepresident03, mv-step09, mv-igotaboy03, mv-cry15 + member cards(5)
kath traded their 2pm01, gyuri19 for my gna03, gna20 + membercards (3)
cross traded their nicole11 for my seungyeon03 (1)

traded by me (total: 7)
my seoinyoung8 for maki's jiyoung13 (1)
my mv-hotsummer10, ailee13 and amber07 for nikki's 2pm04, kara14, jiyoung07 + member cards (3)
my yesung13 for sooyoung's jiyoung01 + member cards (2)
my ljoe11 for kit's 2pm19 (1)
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