May 15, 2006 17:35
Some guy came up with these 16 habits of mind (HOM) which help articulate how people think and learn (and also just help people learn). One of these is "responding with wonderment and awe". It sounds kinda wanky, but it's actually pretty nice. There's so much cool stuff around us all the time, and mostly we just ignore it. Take the time to smell the roses, or check out a sunset, or savour the feeling of being in love. The more you know about the world, the more awesome it becomes. The fact that the sky is blue because of light refracting through ozone and atmosphere doesn't make it any less cool. A rainbow is just refraction, but that in itself is amazing that light behaves that way.
So many kids are "too cool for school" and just aren't interested in learning stuff. But if they learn to respond with wonderment and awe, then every new thing they learn is an opportunity for enjoyment. As a teacher I try to encourage wonderment in my kids, but many adults could do with it too.