i'm so done...turn me over

Nov 06, 2003 22:06

i will never ever be able to think of ten feet as a short distance. and that's funny cause i only associate that length with being long because of the deep end of my pool. it was such an accomplishment to be able to stay on the drain on the bottom of the pool (the base in sharks and minnows) for the first time. looking up toward the surface from that spot was like looking down from the top of the space needle in seattle. well, not that extreme, but you get what my meanings are. and that is the one and only reason i think ten feet is long. the first thing i think when people throw around stuff like "50 foot drop" or "2500 square feet" in conversation is, "wow, since ten feet is really big, that must be huge." weird.

didn't do anything today except determine that an all-girls school is the place for me.

there's something that i have to do. i kinda sorta know what it is. maybe. no, not really. well...perhaps. whatever it is, i really really have to do it and it has to be done now because if it's not done now, it'll be too late. wish i knew what it was i had to do. i hate that.
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