You are the Wedding Day, the most special moment in
any relationship. You are loyal, trustworthy,
and true to your heart. You represent all that
is compassion, caring, and true in this world,
and will go far in life. This is a rare and
beautiful thing, don't let it go!
What Stage in a Relationship Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla well that's pretty cool!
so what's up with you, inger?
with me? well, not much. i have a cold, yuck, but it's getting better now. but thanks to that unfortunate ailment, i have watched many many wonderful movies so far this break and spent much quality time on my comfy couches. oh wait i have done some cool stuff. i saw lord of the rings on friday with jessica and liz. best movie ever made. then on saturday lauren and liz and i went to the star94 jingle jam shindig with sarah mclachlan, maroon 5, jessica simpson, and most importantly the incredible, unbeatable, and always barenaked...ladies. they were so good, i almost died. no seriously. besides the crazy dangerous driving adventures one often finds in gwinnett, i had the worst of my fevers the morning after. but it was soooooo worth it. today i went shopping. and now i have to go dig through the newspaper piles to find the funniest articles to wrap the presents for my brother and parents in. yeah my family's weird but i love 'em!