So I've watched The Girl in the Fireplace episode of Doctor Who three times in the past few days: once by myself, once with my mum, and once with the commentary. And it breaks my heart every time. ='(
It's a wonderful combination 18th-century France period piece meets 51st century derelict & broken spacecraft, with a heart-rending romance, and some incredibly creepy 'villains' thrown in. The sets are incredible, Stephen Moffat does an excellent job writing again, and Murray Gold's music just fits so perfectly. Aww. It's my favourite episode, and tragic. :(
Yes, I know some of you may kill me for posting pics with no cut. But I can't be bothered to learn how to use it, so tough =P
Madame de Pompadour & The Doctor, observing the Clockwork Droid
Reinette facing the Clockwork Droids
Rose is attacked by the Clockwork Droids
Aww...a tender moment