Apr 03, 2011 00:53
Of the volotlings
It is unknown what causes a person to become a volot or to give birth to a volot child. Children of two volot often are not volot themselves, and volot can be born to regular people just as often as to other volot. There is no such thing as a half-volot - you are either volot or not.
Usually when people say "half-volot", they mean the volot races, or volotlings. Volotlings are a product of volot shape-shifters (or insane volot) mating with animals. Some of the resulting hideous hybrids not only survived but were able to procreate either with animals or their own twisted kind. Thus appeared volotlings, such as trolls and goblins, centaurs and peri. The level of sapience and indeed the level of humanity in volotlings are diverse and unpredictable. In different lands, the attitude towards different kinds of volotlings is also diverse: in some lands they are reviled and killed on sight, in others efforts are made to bring them into the fold of humanity, not always successful.
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