GW fic and Nanoha vids

May 22, 2010 12:33

So, after a lot of time and much nagging on my part, my off-line friend just finished Gundam Wing. As the end credits of Endless Waltz rolled, she turned to me, bright-eyed and hopeful (yes you were. Don't argue) and asked if there was any good after-the-series fic around. And with heavy heart I had to answer truthfully: "No".

This is a slight exaggeration. Manifestations was, and has remained, one of the best fanfics I've ever read. But in general, Gundam Wing fandom can be broken down like this (at least it seems so):

Half haven't seen the show (1/2)
Half of the rest saw it once 15 years ago when they were 12 and didn't understand anything, and don't remember anything now (1/4)
Half of who's left remember how it went, but don't care (1/8)
And of the final 1/8, those who remember canon and care, half are too scared to go against fanon, 1/4 have been scared away, and 1/4 try but are drowned out.

Also, me rediscovering het due to GW nonwithstanding, this isn't the right fandom to not be interested in yaoi in.

So...a canon-compatible, after-the-series not-yaoi fic. Any recs?

Over to my current time-waster: Nanoha. Yeah, big surprise.

One thing I think is fun is to see how different people make different fanvids to the same song with the same show. I didn't realise I thought that was fun until I found three Nanoha vids using the song "Gong" by JAM Project (this is apparently the opening song to one of the Super Robot Wars games).


Here's another one from the same group:

Also, I wonder if they've made a Nanoha for every damn Gundam opening there is. Omnicat, this one's for you. (They cleaned up some of the Nanoha animation for the DVD version, BTW. This is the TV version in all its hilarity.)

BTW: Shining Buster?

gundam, fanfiction, fandom, magical girl lyrical nanoha, gundam wing, recs

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