мой комментарий к блогу The Facebook Generation vs. the Fortune 500

Apr 10, 2009 13:57


Some comments on characteristics:
1) Not all ideas got equal footing in the Internet. But skills, required to promote an idea, are different. You either need to know, how the Internet clicks to effectively promote your idea or you need to have some internet prominence already.
4) Not always. There are many cases, especially in communities organized for specific tasks, where off-line honours will still count. The change is that you can start anew in the online world or you can start without regard to the real life limitations. There is a very good example in science fiction - Ender's series by Orson Scott Card, when Ender and his sister become politicians while kids using internet anonymity. But there are still limits to that, even though the limits are waning.
5. Not exactly. Internet allows tasks for certain projects to be chosen, but they can still be assigned. And you can't always shrug off lightly as you will undermine your contribution in a specific society.
7. Same as in 5. The internet makes it possible for the resources to be collected through the attraction, not allocation. But allocation also works.
11. Money is still great and intrinsic rewards are not an invention of the internet. Online recognition can help you in your real life, but mostly it will be private help. I still think, that online recognition is not easily convertible and while internet has become an intrinsic :) part of the life for the generation F, I still hope it's only a part of it. I don't want Matrix to become a reality and hope it will not come to that.
12. Many off-line communities frequently embrace people with anti-authoritarian views. Internet done nothing new here, I'm afraid.

Another characteristic, praised many times already:
There are no borders in the Internet. Location holds no relation, when the online team is organized. And you can't hold the information inside the off-line borders. I don't think that China will succeed with their attempt to control the Internet and again, I'm not sure how successful they are now.

web2.0, itblogs, facebook

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