Chicago '09 - J2 Panel Transcript (Part 6/6)

Dec 16, 2009 20:54

FG: Hi guys.

JA: Hi.

FG: Thanks for coming out, seeing all of us.

Um, I imagine after the few years you've been out there

uh, you have a few days off, to at least get around Vancouver

What do you see and recommend - uh, or

what do you recommend to see and do when you're in Vancouver?

What are some of your favourite places?

JA: The aquarium.

JP: Stanley park.

Stanley park and the aquarium.

It's beautiful...

JA: Yeah

JP: The sea's kind of out there

JA: Um, yes.

Drive up to Whistler.

The... just the drive itself, it's a trip.

And of course, Whistler is amazing

Um, you know, Vancouver's a beautiful city. Um.

You know, you've got a downtown, a compact downtown

you've got the ocean, the water all around, you've got,

you know, thousand foot mountains, with ski resorts on top of them,

all within, you know, a half an hour drive,

um, it just depends on what time of year, you know?

If it's summertime, get outside, go, you know, go walk the seawall

and uh, the restaurant, they're amazing, there's ah, um,

one of my, uh, one of my favourite restaurants,

it's a restaurant called Bij's. B-I-J, apostrophee, S.

It's actually like, Indian-fusion food.

Um, and I'm actually not even a big like, a big Indian food kinda-guy,

you know, i don't mind it, but , it's so amazing.

and um, there's just tons and tons of restaurants, I mean,

we kind of like to treat ourselves probably more than we should,

um, to-to nice dinners and stuff, but, Vancouver's got a lot of

good options as far as that goes.

JP: Yeah.

JA: Um...

JP: Otherwise I mean I mean I...

JA: The science-world's kind of cool, um...

JP: Yeah, the Olympic Village now, is getting built, uh,

but yeah, I'd say. Obviously you've got to go to

Stanley Park, the aquarium, the sea-wall...

JA: You know what? Just call Cliff,

and he'll personally drive you around

wherever you want to go.

He's great like that, yeah.

You're welcome.


JP: Alright.

JA: Let's go one more question, and then we're gonna,

we're gonna... roll

FG: Hi guys.

JA: Hi.

FG: Wow, sorry, I-I can't really believe I'm talking to you guys.

This is my first con ever.

JP: Welcome!

JA: It's your first?

Your first convention?

FG: My first ever!

JA: We've got a newbie ladies and gentlemen!

[crowd cheers]

JA: Fresh meat!

FG: I think I can speak probably for the rest of us

that we pretty regularly quote your show. And...

JA: So then let me ask you a very quick question.

What is your most quotable line?

FG: I hope your cherry pie... 'I hope your apple pie's frickin' worth it!'

Or, or... 'driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.'

Um, so my question to both of you, is, are there any tv shows,

or movies that you guys constantly quote?

JA: There's um...

JP: There's um...

Dumb and Dumber!

JA: ...I mean I think...

[crowd laughs]

JA: Go figure!

JP: Go figure!

JA: I don't know, I mean I think like, most guys I know,

there's almost a... secret language in quoting movies

and, generally...

FG2: Just pick a couple!

JA: ...they're stupid movies. But um...

FG2: I love stupid movies! Just pick a couple!

JP: We do Dumb and Dumber.

JA: Anchorman. I would pick, Anchorman, and, um...

Man: Team America.

JP: Team America.

JA: I don't know, I have an odd one, but... Cable Guy?


JP: There Will Be Blood.

JA: 'If I said I was an oil man...'

Um, yeah. You know, there'a few...

JP: Devour.

JA: And then of course, my favourite...

[waits for crowd]

Crowd: New Youk Minute!

JP: That was an obvious one.

JA: Alright guys.

JP: Thank you very very much...

['Supernatural Theme Song' (5.08) plays]

[poster signings]

JP: Hey guys, um, I mentioned this way back at breakfast today,

but, um... I wanted um...

My mother's a teacher at San Antonio, Texas

And I spent grew up in High School, um, competing at UIL

Like, ah, Sansford Univerisity, or scholasticly.

Um, when I play in drama events, or litereary events,

and my mother is the sponsor next year,

so she's raising money for the kids so they can

take buses to the events, so they can have, um,

supplies and stuff like that

it's really important to me, so...

one thing you may or may not know about me is that I'm a watch fan

I have the watch from Season 1 of Supernatural, Season 2 of Supernatural,

Season 3 of Supernatural, Season 4, Season 5...

Um, I'm wearing a watch from Season 3 of Supernatural...

Sam Winchester's watch.

But, I'm auctioning it...

So, have you bought one yet?

Got it.

And so... this is the Season 3 Sam Winchester watch.

And I'm going to be autioning it, and all the proceeds are

going to go to my mother's kids,

and all the kids down at the district of San Antonio, so...

JA: Students! Students!

It's not like his mother has a ton of children!

JP: I wouldn't think so.

So um, this was episode... season 3, uh, episode 1,

season 3 to episode 16, it's the...

JA: It smells like him.

JP: It smells like me and...

JA: It smells like crap really.

JP: Wherever it goes to, every dollar and every cent is going to go

to go to, uh, the University... down in San Antonio, Texas

Ah... it's getting auctioned today, so...

Whatever we need to get it going to...

JA: It doesn't even work.

JP: I know, the battery's dead.

'Cause it's...

It's not done...

JA: Make sure you get your bid in on this time piece

that does not tell the time

JP: Yeah.

Well I won't have to.

I guess I'm auctioning it right now.

FG: What's the brand?

JP: I'm, oh sorrry?

JA: It's uh... it's a Nixon.

JP: Uh, Nixon.

JA: It's Nixon brand.

JP: There's no camera, it's just a Nixon,

I think it's called like a... Interruptor or something


JA: Let's call it a watch!

JP: Let's call it a watch. Yeah.

I... I mean considering it...

JA: But he was, I mean, you've been wearing that for...

JP: Yeah, I've worn it every year.

JA: Every year.

JP: Since every season... after we ruined it,

But we get a new one like...

JA: We get a new one every season so...

JP: Every year I get a new one, so...

So.. 500 bucks.

Oh what did I say?

Can you help? Yeah... No...

Do I hear 600?

I do?

JA: $600, $600...

$650? $650? Do I hear $650?





What? Somebody's pointing over here?

You raise your hand you're paying the money.

850 bucks? 850 bucks...

$800 going once. $800...

$850? $850..

$900 over here...


One-one Thousand Dollars!!!




Thirteen? We got $1300 over here...

Fifteen- hundred dollars!

Sixteen? We got it going up to $1600...


You guys wanna go get a little, like, wrestling match?

Ah, hey hey hey, alright, alright...

Hey easy easy...



$2000 dollars, ladies and gentlemen.

$2000, smack-a-roos, for the kids!

It's for the kids

$2100? $2100 over here...

$2200 over there...

$2300? Do I hear $2300?

$2250? $2300! $2300...

$2400? Alright, $2400 over here...

Season 3 Sam Winchester watch, only one of its kind,

for $2400 over here...

$2500? $2500...

$2600... $2600 over here...

Three thousand dollars.

You should get your mum on the phone right now.


We going up to $3100? $3100?

JP: Wow. I gotta... I gotta call her.

JA: We going $3200?

We got $3100 over here.

What have we got? $3100...

Thirty-five hundred dollars...


$3500 going once.

$3500 going twice.


Give the lady a round of applause!

If you please.

That is fantastic.


Very cool.

I, however, threw my watches away.

So... that's awesome, very cool.

Thank you everybody, for, uh indulging Jared.

And uh, for helping his mother out

Very cool.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Alright, we'll see you guys in a little bit!

fandom: supernatural, actor: jared padalecki, x transcript, actor: jensen ackles

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