
Sep 05, 2013 08:46

I dreamt that my employer had provided expertise in the building of a retreat center/temple. My co-worker (CM) and I were visiting it - we walked into the main audience room/auditorium. It was light, peaceful and calm. The ceiling was many feet in the air and along one end (where two sides met) going up were apartments. The interesting thing was that there were no sharp edges to the apartments - they had rounded balconies and the walls going up bulgled out. There was a "throne at the opposite end where the skylights let in light to shine down on it. A woman (Saint/Buddhavista/Teacher) sat on it and greeted visitors. There were no electric lights. Instead, light came from the skylights or huge oil-lamps that had in the middle statues of holy people. It felt Eastern in nature - a combination of Hindu and Buddhist. What I remember the most was the deep calm I felt there. How quiet it was.

CM and I left the main room to enter a white, brightly lit classroom where we were going to study something. As we entered we were wondering what the response would be in the community if the next incarnation of the leader was a westerner.

Interpretation: I'm not sure why this dream remained with me or its meaning. But, it felt deep and significant. Particularly the sense of deep peace I had upon awaking.
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