Mar 29, 2005 23:10
Work wasn't too bad tonight, though I know Barbara and Kerry don't exactly click. Kerry almost got fired tonight, it was rather funny. Kerry = pure sarcasm. So Kerry walks up to these 2 large women while they were looking at cakes, and Kerry said "Those cakes aren't for sale.......No, I'm kidding, that was a joke. Is there anything I can help you with today?" One of the 2 women looks at Kerry and gives her a stone cold glare. The lady said "No we're fine. What's your name?" "Kerry" "Ok we don't need any help so you can go away now." So the stupid fat bitch goes to the manager and asks for the Cooperate's number, who is the big boss dude. So we ended up giving her the damn cake for free and she was "satisfied". Stupid people. I mean what's work if you can't have fun with it? The other customers love when you joke around. I guess this lady had a dead dolphin shoved up her ass because she was a bitch! Pure evil! Then we lost a guys cake, well Kerry and I didn't, but the shift before us did. But he wasn't mad, which is so good. But Kerry was depressed the rest of the night because of that retarded lady, so she moped around and ate her gummie bears. I on the other hand, learned how to decorate cakes, which Kerry and Melissa said I was good at. That made me happy. Anyway, other than that, it was fun. I don't work again until Friday, thank god! And Thursday is pay day!
Tomorrow I'm going to my Mom's work for most of the morning then I'm picking Amanda and Sierra up to go to the beach, and Justin's meeting us there. Then I have counseling at 5, so I'm taking Amanda and Sierra to Keith's, then while I'm in counseling, Ron is gonna pick them up and take Sierra home and then back to Amanda's so she can get changed. The he's driving her back up to Keith's and we're gonna hang out. Pretty busy but it beats having to work and deal with stupid 'customers'. Customers my ass.
Jessica was so funny tonight. "Mark, clean up on isle 9." That was hilarious. Most of you probably don't get the extent of how funny that was, but I do and so does Jessica, so I guess that's all that matters. Jorge is such a dork, calling himself to the service desk "Jorge please go to Customer Service." Hahah.
Rich, you're an ass but I still love you.
So I guess I'm basically just writing this shit for the hell of it because no one comments anymore. But hey, you guys are just a bunch of losers anyway.
Don't get me fired.