Mar 09, 2009 16:41
They pretty much ruined it, dumbed it down for the masses by removing any kind of literate and spiritual merit the comic had.
From a book-esque sentimental ironic detective story to an action packed grimdark trendflick that's definately more of a comic than a book.
I am now convinced that Snyder just got his hands on the right comic for his talents when he directed 300, the guy only can do action and seems to enjoy the comedy parts of stuff that's supposed to be taken serious. Kinda like the people that watch Cowboy Bebop for the fanservice and Trigun because Vash is so funny sometimes. That's how this guy places his emphasis on something when he does adaptions, if he were to direct a Transmetropolitan movie it would be full of sci-fi comedy and explosions. Ridiculously embarassing.
My two most favorite Watchmen scenes were crippled and left bleeding. The first one being Manhatten holding the photograph and letting it slip through his hands, the style from the comic was completely ignored just to give the viewer a more simplistic flashback and a way too boring plot progression. In the comic his monologue is like a gigantic poem, always skipping a few lines, never letting the reader rest for a single moment. Since y'know that's kinda the thing about Manhatten, you're not supposed to be able to follow his superior thought process. The second scene they ruined was the Rorscharch moments with his prison psychiatrist, the whole REASON for even INCLUDING the character in the story is because of the whole 'the abyss stares back at you' statement, they left out the psychiatrists character development thus making him only appear for yet another lame rundown of a flashback that should've been a lot more emotional than it was.
I mean, they had to get rid of scenes I know. I just don't like how he'd rather show the porn comic of the old Silk Spectre instead, cause you just gotta love those funny comedy moments, right? And besides, what happened to just stopping at one part in a movie without resolving everything and then just doing a second part? The old Star Wars movies are great and why? Because they didn't try to compress the whole plot in one movie just so there could be a resolved end. But Watchmen just seemed to care about using up all their budget on one movie instead of splitting it up in favor of the story.
I have to say that my favorite Rorschach moment was decent though, the part with him pouring the hot frying fat over the prison inmate. That entire segment with him and the inmates riot and interaction was the only decent adaption, and yet it was still way too deformed due to the major changes in its surrounding character and background designs. The movie felt rushed and not at all very detailed, as many people seem to claim.
The actors were pretty badly chosen too. Alexander the Great didn't look like a fucking shota, Ozymandias was way too young to fullfill the role of a Kamina-esque heroric aura figure. There was nothing about him that was in any way intimidating. The actor for Kovacs is also yet another good example of Snyders bad perception of the comic, Kovacs isn't this hot looking type of Wolverine badass guy. He's a sociopath kid that looks way too nice for his own good, he's the kid you wouldn't ever expect to be that heinous inside. That's why Rorschach is such a paradox, why he moves like a jock and everyone is creeped out, but only with his mask on. The actors for Eddy and Dan were fine though, just it's not like they're that hard to display. However there is no Heath Ledger Joker in this, and that was the only good thing Dark Knight had so Watchmen ergo has nothing.
In general this movie really was garbage. Even the soundtrack was nothing but a gigantic pile of boring and randomly assorted nostalgia bomb songs that are so overused even 90yo russians could sing along. Obviously none of them worked with the mood of the actual content of the movie. If you enjoyed the comic I really can't see how you could like this. Same with 300 and if you wanted to see it because of the director, 300 was a way better movie.
And I'm not even doing the comic nerd routine here, really. I am not one of those people that re-read Watchmen and that love all the little details and that know and understood everything about it but really this movie adaption was way too much simplified, even for me.