Now I have to find a word stronger than "hate" to describe how I feel about others...

Mar 01, 2007 22:46

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........I MEGA-LOATHE [them] all. Good day!"

I sent my iPod off AGAIN to the jack-holes at Worst Buy. The extremely nice girl at the Geek Squad who I dealt with the last time this happened as well wrote on the work order that the iPod NEEDS to be junked out and requested that the jack-holes do so. They'd better comply. I'm just tired of the thing messing up for no reason and the jack-holes not fixing it properly. If it was caused by something I was doing, I wish they'd tell me so I could quit doing that, but I can't imagine what I'd be doing to cause all this trouble. I thought it was the FM Transmitter thingy and tried not to use it anymore except as a docking station in my car. But my friend Meagan had the exact same transmitter thingy, but an even older iPod and still never had any trouble. I think it's that mine is the "Special Edition" U2 iPod and they of course only made one version of those. I believe that's at least the reason why they're refusing to junk it out - because they don't want to give me a brand new iPod that isn't a U2 one. Assholes.

Also, I've decided that ProActive sucks.

It's been over a month - five weeks now - and still barely any results. Now, maybe I haven't been using it the recommended two to three times a day everyday, but I have been using it everyday (with the exception of missing one or two days - not consecutively - altogether). I figured the multiple times a day was intended for those with severe acne problems. On occasion I will use it two times a day though. My chin still looks horrible and I keep getting new blemishes elsewhere like on the bridge of my nose (3) and the far side of my cheek (2) and my forehead (1 - or maybe it's been 2). Sometimes I have to wonder if my face would just clear up on its own if I didn't work at the freaking greasy spoon I work at.

Which brings me to my other news: I'm sick of my job. Oh, wait...that's not news. Maybe it's that my boss is an incredible douchebag? No, surely I've mentioned that here before. Um, perhaps it's that I work with a couple of lazy, nasty, vicious, unpleasant co-managers whom I've not-so-lovingly dubbed "Mega-Bitch" and "Lying Cunt" who talk so badly about one another when they're apart but are the best of friends and like to gang up on anyone and everyone (including me) when they're together. I don't think I've mentioned them here before or at least not openly declared my utter disdain - nay "mega-loathing" - of them here, but that's still not the news.

Oh, yeah! It's that I'm ready to quit my job and move on. I would like to have something else lined up before I quit, so I'm going to a temp agency on Monday. I know there's no guarantee of anything steady, plus it will be a major pay cut, plus I'll have to give the agency a percentage of my earnings, but you know what? I've spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long at this fucking Hell on Earth and am so fed up with it that I've already told a couple of people that I'm quitting next week. Like I said, I'd like to have something lined up before I quit, so it's not definite that I'm going to quit next week.

Going to the temp agency will help me get the office skills I've been lacking over the past 6 fucking years by working in a crappy restaurant so maybe I'll have a better chance at getting a more permanent job. I sent off two resumes this morning, but come on...I haven't had ANY luck in the last 6 years, so I'm not gonna be holding my breath. Tara Beth even mentioned me going to the casino boat or hotel and applying for a job there. I looked on the website and the only opening they had that I could do or wouldn't mind doing was front desk clerk at the hotel. *sigh* It's just gonna take me wanting to drive to Metropolis daily for my job. There are so many wrecks and traffic delays on the Ohio bridge on I-24, plus the interstate pavement sucks in IL (not that I'd be on it for much longer after I left KY). *blah* But I've got to do something before I snap. I really think I'd be a much nicer and happier person if I didn't work there.

My "friends" went out the other night for "Margarita Night" at Texas Roadhouse while I was at work, again. Even though it was written on the calendar for everyone of age to join in, I didn't know that it was still going on and went home after work. No one bothered to tell me about it or call me to see if I was coming or to tell me that they weren't actually at Texas Roadhouse but at Logan's. Then they went to Ivy's house afterwards. Nice. I know I was off work by that time, but still no call. Amy was telling me about it yesterday morning, not even realizing that I was hurt over the fact that they didn't call me A-FUCKING-GAIN! Oh, this has been happening a few times lately - they'll all get together or maybe a couple of them will get together, but won't call me at all. I just went to the bathroom and cried. I couldn't help it, but that on top of the fact that I'm sick of my job, sick of some of my co-workers and my boss, and that Tara Beth didn't call me the two nights before like I thought she would, all that just built up inside of me and I had to let it out through some emotional tears. Things picked up last night socially - I went out to eat with my sister, bro-in-law, and W, then Tara Beth called me and we watched 5 or 6 episodes of the current season of Scrubs. Then Natalie called me today to tell me that she's planning a visit in a little more than a week!. Plus, I have a great boyfriend who I've been spending time with and then there's my cousin and my Sarah who are great friends. I've gotten to hang out with my Sarah the past two Mondays. It's been nice. It's just hard to hang out on a more social basis because she has two young children and a selfish douchebag boyfriend who will only watch their kids while she's at work and leaves her alone with them so he can go out with his friends and play poker (or do drugs...or whatever).

You know, I don't know if Mega-Bitch has something to do with me being excluded from these outings or what. We've been friends for a while. Not great friends, but we always got along and hung out together several times. In fact, I recall driving her drunk ass around a few of those times. But here recently, she's had one problem with me or another, thus causing me to have a problem with her. Lying Cunt is apparently oblivious to my mega-loathing of her and I don't know if she would purposely exclude me. Either way, I'm getting excluded for some reason. Amy is better friends with Mega-Bitch and is Lying Cunt's sister (as is Ivy), so I'm just naturally ostracized.

w, ipod, "friend", job hunt, work

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