Apr 04, 2011 23:53

Holy geez I had cramps so bad last night I kept tossing and turning all night trying to find a position where they'd subside long enough for me to sleep like, at all. Usually I just sleep right through them so that was really weird.

(Also I need more lunapads holy crap I love them)


# I explained to the gals at work why Superman is a jerk, so apparently I have reached the "admit I am a nerd" comfort level.
# Have got this unshakable feeling of dread and grossness. I think it is because we are having a big staff meeting thing and we did this bag sorting exercise and fuck guys I am barely maintaining the illusion of competence as it is WHAT IF THEY ALL FIGURE OUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING, IT IS LIKELY
# I have got sucked into batfam twitter now, via @smartestrobin (Tim) and @ishouldbebatman (Jason) admitting their love for each other and having so many makeouts, it is a glorious thing.
# @likeablur (Wally) and @not_a_sidekick (Roy) watched Interview With a Vampire tonight. This was Roy's decision. And then he got all awkward and shy when Wally pointed out that Lestat and Louis totally have a thing and should have smooched, while I am trying not to shake my monitor and screech "SO SHOULD YOU TWO GOD DAMN."
# I guess I am trying to say that Twitter is ruining my life
# I miss Young Justice :( WRY NO EPS CARTOON NETWORK
# Avengers: EMH is filling the gap pretty nicely

Now I am going to drink beer and write a Max/Kai drabble if it kills me
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