Tomorrow we're meeting some of Michael's family for a Thanksgiving feast at a local eatery. I enjoy the food there, so I'm excited about that, BUT I wish I would have thought to order one of those "we cook your entire Thanksgiving Dinner for you" meals from Safeway as well. We did that once before and they do a really nice job. The way I see it,
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Also, I am a PRO at this steam cleaning thing. I steam clean atleast once a week and I have bought and tested about 20 (no joke) steam cleaners. This is the best one I have found: You can get it at BBand B and use a 20% off coupon. That's what I did....
It cleans the best, easy to move around things, easy to put the solution in and holds the most clean water/dirty water I have found which makes less trips!
If you buy this one, let me know how you like it. Oh! one careful "snapping" the water tank in, the red handle broke on me once. Thankfully they were nice enough to replace it for me.
Mainly, I feel weird contacting people I haven't spoken to in aaaaaaaaggggeeees and asking them to buy gifts for my son. I feel that if people want to welcome a new child into this world that they should do it even if there is no official party, ya know? I just can't handle it right now.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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