and yet another day.
FROM FAR LEFT: simone, paul, alice, my goofy manager troy, moi, bridget, tom who looks more like a chad, and uma.
my weekend was fun. Which seems to be a trend going through my life right now. FUN.
twas james birthday so we went to Honolulu harry’s and had a delightful meal. Their food is excellent. Mmmm.. so after that I came home and just chilled with kyle. [pictures to come]
Friday was spent with my familia. We had planned on going to the beach but with all these tsunami warnings and cloudy weather, we decided to just relax. We ate lunch at Honolulu harry’s once again, where we were seated at the exact same table as the night prior and had the exact same waitress, who remembered us. =] after lunch we ventured to Costco and sam’s club and got some new pillows while at it. Kyle met up with us and we ended up going home and chillin.
I had been NOT scheduled, but then SCHEDULED. But since I had already made plans, I played hookie. I spent the day with the lovely anna and uma in los angeles. We hit up a sample sale and then Melrose, where we had lunch at louise’s and continued with shopping. Unfortunately my card wasn’t working, so I only managed to purchase ONE top.
=[ but it’s ok though.. because it limited my spending. Met up with kyle later that night and fell asleep cuddled.
It was my mother’s birthday, but since she already made plans ahead, we were to celebrate it the day after.
got up early to help out with last minute cleaning and cooking for the birthday party/father’s day shindig. I ended up playing donkey konga with my sissys, sarah, and Kevin…and later on with kyle, to which we got gold on all of the songs possible. [yea..can’t you tell I’ve got no life..] got my future read by a deck of cards which claims that I will meet another guy but kyle still loves me. Which I think is complete bullshit. Because I love my kyle. FOREV. Everyone left early due to work the following morning and I, kyle and the sibs were stuck cleaning the mess but after, played donkey konga once again while eating lychees, or as kyle likes to call them baby heads. I fell asleep after a few rounds and kyle journeyed home.
so that was my weekend. Which leads me back to routine life, working and awaited the weekend to come. I hope to purchase an furry, loving, affection, buddy who will keep me company as kyle goes on a road trip with his friends next week. And I’m getting addicted to ebay. I never knew how fun it is. Keep your fingers crossed that I win some of these. For I will have a field day with these goodies. But for now, enjoy. It’s summer. And I want to slip and slide. <3