Sophie Lancaster and the UKIP vote

May 23, 2014 17:18

I think most people on my friends list, both LJ and FB will know who Sophie was. A young alternative lass who was murdered whilst trying to protect her boyfriend from being kicked to death in a local park in Bacup Lancashire in 2007. Police think that the way they both dressed was a significant contributing factor in their attack. Her mum set up an amazing foundation in her memory to 'Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere'. I find her story and the work the foundation do in her name very moving. It connects deeply with me. Friends over the years have experienced a wide range of violence and abuse based solely on the way they choose to dress.

My assumption was that the majority of friends felt the same, especially the alt friends. So I'm pretty saddened at the number of de-friending threats aimed at potential UKIP voters. The hatred poured out towards them on my feed this last few weeks, the bile. Fighting hatred with hatred does not work.*

What I haven't seen are posts asking "Is anyone on my flist planning to vote UKIP. Why?" and then a discussion. This may be because FB is hiding all the relevant posts from me with it's advertising led algorithms whilst I decorate the living room within an inch of it's life. It's possible.

I haven't spent much time researching UKIP or any other party for this election. Turns out that was time well not spent as we were disenfranchised due to building work. Nice. However my two friends brave enough to admit their UKIP tendencies are not (to the best of my knowledge) stupid, racist, homophobic or misogynistic. They must have reasons and when next we chat, I'm interested.

I was not planning to vote UKIP myself. However, I was not planning (ever) to vote Tory and one of my closest friends is a Conservative Local Councillor. We have plenty of political differences, but a surprising amount of overlap where we agree. I wasn't planning on voting yellow and I have a good friend who is a Lib Dem Local Councillor.

These days I try to deal with racism/homophobia/hate filled crap differently than I did at eighteen. Instead of a stand up row in a pub or at a wedding breakfast, start a serious discussion. If you have the spoons, it works far better to challenge peoples views, you may learn some stuff too and nobody gets kicked to death. Bonus.

* See history for details.
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