A Meme...

May 03, 2006 14:13

I was tagged by three_nails. :)

Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits/Things about Yourself" and the people who gets tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people who you want to tag, and then go on to leave a tag comment on their LJ.

I've got a lot of little "quirks," I'm not sure where to start. I do remember posting this same kind of thing awhile back (here), so I'll try not to post the same things:

1. I am an incredibly slow eater. Most people can eat their lunch in, say, 10 minutes, but I always like taking my time, and usually need at least 20 or 30, depending on the size of my meal. I'm always the last one at the dinner table. I like enjoying my food, and I guess I chew a lot, too. But aren't we supposed to eating slower, anyway?

2. I am also a very slow walker. Then again, I'm a little slower than most in a lot of things - partly because I like to take my time, and maybe partly because I want to do it right. I don't know if that's a good thing or not... (i.e. it should only take my 10-15 minutes to walk home from school, but it usually takes me about 20, or I might take a little longer, um, cleaning my room, or getting ready for bed...) This doesn't mean I'm a slow in thinker, though!

3. Right now it's May, and actually quite warm out, but I am still going to bed with flannel sheets, a blanket, my heavy comforter, another blanket on top of that, plus my warm pyjamas (including a sweatshirt) and a heat bag for my feet (sometimes with my specially-Grandma-knitted socks)!

4. I cannot get to sleep with any noise, but light doesn't bother me a bit. One of the things I can't stand the most is the tick-tocking of a clock. I prefer real clocks to digital, but I can't have them in my room. If I'm sleeping in a room with a conventional clock, I will have to take it somewhere where I can't hear it or take the batteries out. It's like I've got Captain Hook syndrome or something.

5. I really don't like talking on the phone, and will avoid it if at all possible. It's quite strange, and I have absolutely no idea why. I'd rather try and contact someone over MSN messenger or email, or talk to them in person. I guess it depends on the situation, but in general, I'll avoid using the phone if I can. (For example, I don't usually pick up the phone at home unless I know it's for me - otherwise I'll let my mom or my brother pick it up, because it's usually for one of them, anyway. My dad is the exact same way - we're actually eerily similar in our little unsocial quirks, haha.)

Wow, I thought up of 5 completely new quirks... well, okay, #3 was the same the last time I did this, but I changed it a bit. Anyway, now I look like a complete weirdo. And d'ya know what? There's still more I could say, but thankfully, there's only 5 things required, so you'll only think I'm a moderate weirdo.

I tag blancwene, modernelegance, dizzy_liz, liz_hiebert22, xo_bodigulpa_ox, and anyone else who wants to do it. :)

I love my new Veronica Mars icon (made by brasaremean) - the colours are so bright and gorgeous! (Just had to say that. :P) I think I'm finally weening myself off of using all P&P icons. Plus, I'm catching up on the new Veronica Mars episodes. This show is so good! I just wish that it would play up here in Canada on something other than UPN. (There's one channel, CTV, that has the rights to it, but they're only showing the show in the summer. Bummer.) Anyway, I'm just about to watch #2.20, which looks like it will be really good. But my head is starting to hurt from all the information that keeps popping up in each new episode about the season-long mystery. I can't keep everything straight.

And Gilmore Girls! How I love Gilmore Girls. And how much I have to say about it. Somehow, I completely forgot about last week's episode, so I had to bittorrent it (yes, I just made bittorrent a verb) and watch it last night. So, I tried taping last night's ep, but the tape stopped and I only got half of it. Double bummer. So now I'm going through the painfully slow process of bittorrenting that ep. And I'm realizing this is way too much information...

Back to the show. First of all, Lane & Zach are so cute - I loved they're wedding. I was just surprised that it was so soon, and a it was a bit of a turn off how light-hearted they made the whole thing - a little too much for my taste. But I can see them trying to make it different than all the other TV weddings, 'cause I guess they can all become to generic and mushy. I also feel so bad for Lorelai right now - she desperately wants to marry Luke and become part of his new life with April, and then when she thought she was making progress, it all blew up in her face. At least they explained where Luke was coming from, with the whole "I-don't-want-her-to-like-you-more-than-me" thing. but still, Lorelai should really be part of April's life.

And, just 'cause I thought this quote was funny (paraphrasing): "Girls, I want to introduce you to my good friend Molly Ringwald, and - yes, I know you don't know who she is - but she's my generation's Audrey Hepburn - and yes, I know you don't know who that is - but anyways, enjoy the show. And yes, that's the guy from 'Two and a Half Men.'"

And Rory and Logan are so cute together, even though I prefer Jess. :P

Oh, and guess what! I was watching the commentary on my GG Season 5 DVD, and they started off saying where they shot pilot - and it's right in my town! I live in the "real" Stars Hollow, apprantly. :D Of course, it's not like that at all, and they only used the one little main street, but still, that awesome! I'll have to watch the Pilot again and see if I can recognize anything. And I'll have to go see if I can find a "William's Hardware."

I just realized another weird thing about me: I get way to invested in TV shows and movies. I should not be rambling this much about them, except at the moment, I have absolutely nothing else to do. (I had last period off today, so, with my third and fourth periods being lunch/spare, my day ended at 11:00!)

And apparantly, the < i > tag and the word "and" are my best friends right now. :P

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