I saw Prince Caspian today with my dad and it was sooooooo amazing! Anyone who says otherwise doesn't understand the Chronicles if you ask me. :P
I'll start with a random topic: the music. I loved Harry Gregson-Williams score for the first movie, and it was just as wonderful in the second. Of course, one reason that it added to the movie was because I knew a lot of the music already and it made it that much more exciting and intimate, if that makes sense. There were also new tunes and variations, and guh, it was great. I couldn't help but hum along when "The Battle" music was on. They even played a line or two from Tumnus' theme! :D I also loved the Regina Spektor song at the end.
Along the lines of familiar things from the previous film, I loved seeing the Pevensies/actors again! They've all grown up, especially Skander and Georgie. Skander/Edmund totally PWNED this time! Peter - as much as I have a crush on Will Moseley *sheepish grin* - was a complete prick, and he really messed things up, but Edmund was just great, especially with his one-liners. One of the best parts was when he was bringing the message to Miraz, and Miraz called him, "Prince" and Edmund corrected him, saying something like, "It's King. 'King' Edmund. But not 'high king' - that's Peter. I'm just 'king.' I know, it's confusing."
Really, we already know the characters, so they don't have to introduce those four. The exciting part is seeing further development - or, um, lack of development. Peter hasn't matured in the last year, but Edmund sure has! It's a little disappointing that we can't tap into their characters more. I mean, think about what it really means - to have lived a full young adult life as kings and queens, and then get sent back to the real world as children again? I guess we saw a bit of how hard that was with Peter at the beginning, getting in that fight, but it sure would be complicated. Plus, there's that whole power struggle with Caspian and Peter - very true to character. And we get a glimpse of how hard it was for Susan...
I have read the book, but that was at least four years ago, I think, and I can't remember much. I remembered more of the BBC version, and that's what I compared this to, as far as how accurate this version was and what they changed. So I can't quite remember what they changed, but I don't remember the breaking in to Miraz's castle. And I know for sure that the little Caspian/Susan thing was not C.S. Lewis' creation! Lol. But I thought it was a very cute addition, and also sad. And the flirting!! I can't help it, I squeed a little. Unfortunately, you knew how it would end - I mean, in the book, Caspian is much younger than Peter and Susan. *SPOILER FOR NEXT BOOK/MOVIE* If I remember correctly, doesn't Caspian meet a girl on his Voyage of the Dawn Treader adventure and marry her? I think she might even be mystical or something.... Ah well.
I just love the Narnia movies - there's something about them that's epic and fairy tale-ish, but so-o-o-o-o-o meaningful. I teared up when they were battling it out at Miraz's castle, and when they lost and Peter realized how much his mistake cost those who were left at the castle... :'( Aslan's absence is so significant, and it's so sad to see how everyone acts when he's not there. How metaphorical to our own walks with God! Peter lost his faith and relied on himself instead of trusting in or even thinking much about Aslan, and it had major consequences. Susan wasn't much better. Edmund had more faith, and he wanted to follow Lucy when she saw a glimpse of Aslan, but he held himself back. Lucy's faith was awesome. I was so touch when she had that vision of talking with Aslan - it was like finding her alone time with God. She just couldn't wait to finally see him again, and she trusted in Him when no one else did.
The end was absolutely wonderful - I was so giddy happy when Aslan came and saved them all. YAY GOD! When we try to do it by ourselves, we just mess up, but look at what God can do when we come to Him and involve Him in our plans, letting Him take over. And his power - I mean, how cool was it when Aslan roared and creation obeyed? The trees, and the water - nothing the Pevensies could do, that's for sure!
I wasn't expecting to be touched like that, but it was awesome to be reminded of God's character. Seriously, Aslan is amazing and I always think of God when I watch Narnia.
And yes, this wasn't the best movie as far as storyline goes, but you have to see it all as a bigger picture - this is just a part of the Chronicles of Narnia, connecting one part of the story to another. I think the next film - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will have a lot more to work with, so I'm really looking forward to that. I also can't wait for The Silver Chair - I think that will make a fantastic movie!
ETA: Ohmygoodness, I can't believe I reviewed the first movie on my LJ when it came out. I've had this journal for that long! And I've been using it regularly too. (If you're curious, you can find my "review" for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
here.) I must say, I didn't go into much depth! And it also sounds like I had just read the book before seeing the movie.