Jul 16, 2008 23:44
Ok, so the person I shipped Sarah to hasn't contacted me back about customs so I assume she took care of it. I figure if she declined the doll she would be back to me by now.
Now I'm just waiting on that payment for two of the commissions. You see, I've had the heads since the end of May. I was waiting on her to send payment before I started since that is what I usually do, payment before service. She asks (since it doesn't say this on my thread, apparently) if she can pay later and if I can go ahead and start on the heads. I agree and expect payment to arrive sometime while I was working on them. During the time that I was working on them, the owner just kept hounding me about progress pictures, saying that she was missing her heads and really wanted them back. Finally I finish the commissions, show her pictures and ask for payment. For a while I get no response then she tells me that she'll pay me that weekend as "money's tight and she gets paid on Friday". I wait until Sunday to contact her again to figure out where the payment is. She says that she had a dental emergency which cost her $800 and that she would get payment to me soon.
This was about a month ago. I'm not sure what to do at this point, I don't want to have her heads occupying my space for much longer and she's had around 2 months to pay up. Frankly, money's tight everywhere, but if you have an obligation, you should at least try and honor it.
Any advice? I can't keep her heads around for too much longer since I'm going to be moving out in about another month or so and considering the stress she put me under to finish her heads now now now, you'd think she'd have been prepared to pay me. Again, I don't know what to do. I don't to bully her for not paying me, but this is a touch ridiculous. Somebody help!?