May 29, 2008 16:00
Internet is still going to be spotty until around Tuesday when we FINALLY get wireless set up in the apartment >_<.
Still being productive and trying to sell this doll in the mean time, working on some loli skirts and otherwise keeping myself busy with commissions.
Gawd, gas is going to hit $4.00 a gallon soon, I can just feel the pinch already.
Oh woe is Kisha's wallet.
If anyone happens to know some simple wok/stir-fry recipes, sharing would greatly be appreciated as I have been dying to put my wok to use!
And bento. Bento recipes/combinations would be appreciated as well.
And rice. Good rice. I'm picky about my rice.
Ok, basically easy Asian food. I'm going to stop being a weeaboo now and go back to work on commissions. I must find my camera cord so I can email progress pictures to everyone.
Toodles chickies, I'm going to try not to lose my mind while I work around the apartment with little to no fabric or trim for anything.