HI HELLO I've never posted here before and there are only so many people but it still feels like I'm talking to a really big room. I have a somewhat simple question to ask, if simple means youtube will become your best friend:
I recently put together a(n awful, omg) primer post on the girls which I tried to keep short since it was on tumblr, and when I started I had literally no idea what to put on there and eventually I just had to stop because I had so many links. But basically - what is required viewing when it comes to SNSD? All suggestions welcome.
For variety/interviews, I put up all of Intimate Note, We Got Married (first ep, but could watch all of it), Girls Go to School (first ep, same) and then
this tearjerker from Kim Jungeun's Chocolate. And of course a bunch of random clips (Jeti speaking English, Taeyeon boxing aka Yoonyul playing around on Dangerous Boys, Jessica trying to pitch, Yoontae losing it when Yoona's bangs fly up + stuff for all the members). And shows going into their dorm and seeing what they live like, etc. AND ALSO them talking about each other in the Japanese vacation photobook BTS. Basically I've seen so many things that when anyone is like "SNSD interviews?" my eyes gloss over and I'm like okay I'll get to you next week let me watch them all.
Interview/variety recommendations + hilarious/great/etc. clips of the girls you can't not show someone? I think that's it~ This comm is the greatest, may it live forever. :3
aish I started watching Factory Girl and 20 minutes later I haven't posted this, OKAY POSTING and back to more of them being cutes.