(no subject)

Jun 21, 2007 11:07

Ok... I'm really not proud of being an alumna of EMU... I wasn't from the get-go, but this makes it even worse:

MSNBC just had a story on at about 10:30 this morning saying that Fallon's in deep shit because he knew as soon as the Dickinson case happened that it was a murder. He also knew that the murderer was a campus student and played it off like it there was no foul play and that students shouldn't be worried. Bullshit. I knew from the get-go that something wasn't on the up and up, but I still went about my business.

Dr. Eisenbach (Biology) had a sticker on his briefcase last fall (before Laura Dickinson was killed) in regard to the faculty strike, that said "Fire Fallon" this couldn't be more true, or more accurate right now.

Keep watching MSNBC... it's currently 11:15 and it's on right now. The dad was just on tv and he said that EMU told him there was no foul play, but he was suspicious.

Fallon apologized, but I think it's a pretty lame apology: (from emich.edu)

"To the Dickinson family, I say . . . my deepest sympathies again go out to you.  Laura’s death was nothing short of tragic, and this University’s actions afterward compounded your pain.  I am profoundly sorry for your loss.
To the EMU community, I apologize to you and say . . . never again will such a confounding series of mistakes be made on my watch.  Since coming here nearly two years ago, I have undertaken an array of enormously difficult personnel and policy actions that were rooted in institutional improvement and development."

Uh, yeah... mistakes? No, those were blatant lies... you KNEW that campus security was unsafe and that a murder and rape occurred not only on campus, but in a dormitory! And the "I have undertaken ... personnel and policy actions..."

Yeah, don't lay the blame on the teachers who want conditions at EMU to be equal to other schools on our state level. Don't blame them for wanting health insurance and such.

I'm posting this in hopes of possibly riling up my fellow Eagles who are still on campus.

Asshole. You need your ass fired.
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