A bad end to a good-ish day.

Dec 18, 2006 20:59

I have been "verbally warned" by Rosemary.

I left work 20 minutes early because I had a huge project to finish up (which I could only do in the Mark Jefferson Biology labs.) I was working on this project with the microscopes 'til about 10:00, missing my Village commons meeting. After that, I came home and worked on what I could manage without a microscope 'til 4:00 in the morning. I went to bed, woke up, and worked on it from about 10:30 am 'til noon when I left to turn it in.

But to make a long story short, I left work at 5:40 (leaving the lab of 30 computers unstaffed) instead of 6:00 when my shift ended.

I made the mistake of messaging her through the online system they set up and asked if it were ok to leave because of the situation (this project was worth a good 30-40% of my final grade.) She said no. I left anyways.

She emails me today (nearly a week after the fact) saying the following:
~ At approx. 5:35 your name went idle on the messenger system.
~ At 5:48 I sent you a message asking about supplies in the lab, and received no response. (no doubt checking up on me!)
~ I also called the lab multiple times before 6 PM and did not receive an answer.
~ At approximately 6:03 I spoke to the worker who was scheduled to work at 6 who informed me that when she arrived to work there was no staff present.
~ Please take this as your verbal warning (via email!) to not engage in this activity again. I will also put something in your file regarding this incident.

Ok, here's how I feel about this:
~ Why are you keeping track of the exact times? Sounds like you were suspicious of me and had nothing better to do than check up with me.
~ Yes, I did leave early, but who's to say I didn't have an emergency to attend to, or that I wasn't in the lab helping someone, or heaven forbid I need to poop! Screen-names go idle all the time, get used to it.
~ Why did you interrogate Laina? Not only did she do nothing wrong (other than arrive 3 minutes late for her shift), but my shift ended at 6. I shouldn't be held responsible to stay past my shift time, even if my replacement doesn't come in on time, that's their problem.
~ How can a verbal warning via email hold up? And engage in what activity? Doing my homework... heaven fucking forbid! Should I tell all my teachers "sorry, I can't do homework because my boss said I can't?" Or better yet, would you like a hand written note from my teacher saying that I had this project I needed to do? Or is email more contractually binding? Give me a break.
~ And since when do we have files? I think this is something she devised so that she could fire whenever she wanted and be "justified."

Fuck you Rosemary. Fuck. You.
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