(no subject)

Jan 01, 2011 22:36

Scarpbook of 2011
Think about the year that has passed. All the memories, the entries and posts that made the year special. Think about all your past layouts, default icons, mood themes. How about all those conversations you had via comments, or the huge post in ONTD that you spent all night commenting on. The 2011 Scrapbook Post is a way to help you remember all of that, in a single post.

Default icon

01.01.2011 - 20.02.2011 | 20.02.2011 - Present
© alienating | © icons_are_hot

Currently Reading
001 | Var Det Bra Så? | Lena Andersson | Swedish

001 | Eating Animals | Jonathan Safran Foer | English | 4/5

001 | Svärdet och Spiran | Ken Follett | Swedish

001 | Don't Let Me Go | Merlin | Arthur/Merlin | NC-17
002 | The Maidens Trap: Seven Ways Out | Merlin | Arthur/Merlin | NC-17
003 | 'Tis the Season | Sherlock (BBC) | Sherlock/John | NC-17
004 | Moonlight Revelations | Merlin | Arthur/Merlin | NC-17
005 | Faded Dreams | Dragon Age: Origins | f!Cousland/Duncan | NC-17
006 | Two Pups and a Bastard | Dragon Age: Origins | Duncan/f!Cousland, Alistair/f!Cousland, Leliana/Zevran | M
007 | Nolo Nolle Nolui | Alistar/m!Cousland | M

001 | Bröllopsfotografen | Ulf Malmros | 2009 | 4/5 | rewatch
002 | Sprängaren | Colin Nutley | 2001 | 3/5 | rewatch
003 | Paradiset | Colin Nutley | 2003 | 3/5 | rewath
004 | From Russia With Love | Terence Young | 1963 | 3/5 | rewatch
005 | Wallander: Vålnaden | Mikael Marcimain | 2010? | 2/5
006 | Wallander: Arvet | Mikael Marcimain | 2010? | 3/5
007 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Peter Jackson | 2001 | 5/5 | rewatch
008 | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Peter Jackson | 2002 | 5/5 | rewatch
009 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Peter Jacksom | 2003 | 5/5 | rewatch
010 | Nanjing! Nanjing! | Chuan Lu | 2009 | 5/5

011 | Beck: Lockpojken | Pelle Seth | 1997 | 2.5/5 | rewatch
012 | The A-Team | Joe Carnahan | 2010 | 3/5 | rewatch
013 | Avatar | James Cameron | 2009 | 3.5/5 | rewatch
014 | Hannibal | Ridley Scott | 2001 | 4/5 | rewatch
015 | Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | Terry Gilliam | 1998 | 5/5 | rewatch
016 | Irene Huss: Tatuerad Torso | Martin Asphaug | 2007 | 2.5/5 | rewatch
017 | Irene Huss: Den Krossade Tangahästen | Martin Asphaug | 2008 | 3/5 | rewatch
018 | Irene Huss: Elddansen | Martin Asphaug | 2008 | 2.5/5 | rewatch
019 | Irene Huss: Glasdjävulen | Alexander Moberg | 2008 | 3/5 | rewatch
020 | Irene Huss: Guldkalven | Alexander Moberg | 2008 | 2.5/5 | rewatch

021 | The King's Speech | Tom Hooper | 2010 | 4.5/5

001 | The Big Lebowski | The Coen brothers | 1998
002 | No Country for Old Men | The Coen brothers | 2007
003 | The Wrestler | Darren Aronofsky | 2008

Shows purchased
001 | Merlin | Season 1 | 2008
002 | The Pillars of the Earth | Season 1 | 2010

001 | Downton Abbey

Newly discovered

Favourite songs
Unforgiven - Joe Cocker
Zombie - The Cranberries
Unconstant Lover - Maura O'Connell


Beautiful people that I love




001 | Josh Groban Sings Kanye West Tweets


Larger version
01.01.2011 - present


Larger version
01.01.2011 - present
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