Chinese books

Aug 11, 2008 17:22

Linxis Illustration collection  ~The Flying Feather~
Chinese amazon link :

price: 21-28 Yuan

Sound of colour

Title: 拾影-

Chinese amazon link:拾影-by唐卡-唐卡个人原画集

price 23-32 Yuan

Chinese amazon link:  华盖之月
price: 21-28 Yuan

Magical Land

Chinese amazon link: 神之右手

price 15-25 Yuan

Best illustrations of comicfans magazine collection.  since 1997-2005.   Nr. 1

Chinese amazon link: 漫友大画集1(炫彩八年)

price: 35-48 Yuan

Best illustrations of comicfans magazine collection.  since 1997-2005.   Nr. 3

Chinese amazon link:  漫友大画集3 (绮丽古风)

price: 36-48 Yuan

Short Program of Comicfans 03

Chinese amazon link: 漫友短篇漫画集(3)

price: 12-18 Yuan
