Feb 14, 2008 00:44

man, today my building had a blackout. it was the first time i ever got to experience that kind of thing. i know, i am from NYC, therefore, i should have experience the BIG blackout back in 2005, but i wasn't there! i was in Norway. Despite that, i had a lot of fun today. at first , i couldnt get into my building cuz the only way you could get in if you swiped your ELECTRONIC key on the keypad. Luckily, a few minutes later..some emergency lights came on and i was able to get in. i took the stairs up and was shocked over how dark it was! it was frickin dark! i had to feel my way up the stairs and then count how many flights i walked. when i got into the apt, it was dark and we lit up every candle we could find. after a while we started to get bored, my roommate and i, so we decided to dance in the dark, took pictures in the dark (with one candle), and then we went up to the 8th floor and hanged out with some of the deaf people there. we sat around some candles and told ghost stories. it was pretty cool. then four hours later, the lights came back on. this experience made me realized how dependent we are on electricity. the refrigerator was off, the tv wasnt working, we couldn't charge our phones or laptops, and our alarm clocks wasn't working. we are seriously a spoiled generation! well, that's all ihave to say for now. :-)
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