Oct 25, 2004 21:40
ok i know some people may get upset because of the fact that i decided to try to help fix the situation between me and natalie. But please be excepting of this it really means alot to me. I know i have said somethings that were horrible about her but the truth is i love her me and her have been close since 8th grade. Please if i bring her around give her a chance shes really not that bad of a person. And yeah i just thought i should show you the convo, it will help show she can be serious and mature sometimes. Love you guys.
i found your pants..you can come get them tomorrow after school
InfusedBlooms: ohhh cool
allx xshexxheard: but do you have my pink american eagle shirt?? the long sleeve one?
InfusedBlooms: thanks what about the tot olympics shirt
InfusedBlooms: yeah i have it
allx xshexxheard: i don't know.. i'll keep looking for it
InfusedBlooms: and your star necklace is here too
allx xshexxheard: it is??
allx xshexxheard: i was wonderign where that went hahah
InfusedBlooms: yeah
InfusedBlooms: i found it today
allx xshexxheard: oh wow.. okay well i'll go in a minute and i'll look for your shirt again
InfusedBlooms: wait
allx xshexxheard: okay
InfusedBlooms: umm its not really my place but are you thinking of like going out with matt again
allx xshexxheard: oh no not at all.. we were just talking and he was gonna come over because i haven't seen him in forever
InfusedBlooms: because my bfs friend brenda was going out with him and she just broke up with him an di was thinking he was just on rebound
allx xshexxheard: oh no.. nothing's gonna happen
InfusedBlooms: ok
allx xshexxheard: yeah
InfusedBlooms: you dont have to look fo rthe shirt now its ok
allx xshexxheard: okay.. you sure
allx xshexxheard: because i know it has to be somewhere around here haha
InfusedBlooms: its ok
allx xshexxheard: okay
InfusedBlooms: im sur ei can get it back another time
InfusedBlooms: so your going to homecoming
allx xshexxheard: yeah i think.. if my mom wants to give me 15 bucks haha
allx xshexxheard: i dont kniw maybe
InfusedBlooms: oh thats cool
allx xshexxheard: yeah
InfusedBlooms: im going to one on like nov. 7
allx xshexxheard: which one is that?
InfusedBlooms: my bfs
InfusedBlooms: its like really late weird
allx xshexxheard: ohh i see
allx xshexxheard: awesome
allx xshexxheard: haha yeah i though bogie's was the last
InfusedBlooms: i guess private schools are different
allx xshexxheard: yeah i guess so
InfusedBlooms: oh well
InfusedBlooms: so how are you
allx xshexxheard: pretty good.. what abotu you
allx xshexxheard: **about
InfusedBlooms: im so happy lately
allx xshexxheard: well thats good :-)
allx xshexxheard: what away messages was she talking about?
InfusedBlooms: idk
allx xshexxheard: i kept asking her and she's just like it doesn't matter
allx xshexxheard: and i'm like.. okay yeah.
InfusedBlooms: soemone told me that you would purposly put things up to make me mad
allx xshexxheard: so this was a she said he said she said he said so i'm going by what they said to the 3748324th power?
InfusedBlooms: yeah basically
InfusedBlooms: i mean w/e no hard feelings i guess
allx xshexxheard: well if i put something up that made you mad it wasn't purposely and if somebody had a problem they could have asked me about it and pointed out the problem instead of just threatening me and sounding like a moron
allx xshexxheard: but yeah no hard feelings
InfusedBlooms: yeah well i really dont think that you would even want to talk to me
InfusedBlooms: just becasue of everything that had been said and what had gone on between us
allx xshexxheard: well even if i didn't want to talk to you it was obviously a big deal to somebody and i just figured that if somebody had a problem with it they would like ask me about it first instead of just starting shit and drama
InfusedBlooms: yeha
allx xshexxheard: well the kind of things i hear that you say about me i just think it's dumb that people (not you, other people telling me thigns) have nothing better to do with their lives than talk about other people and it was bugging me
InfusedBlooms: so i know this sounds bitchy but do you even care that our friendship has basicaly ended
allx xshexxheard: yeah but there's not much i can do about it.. and i constantly hear people tell me things that you say and i'm like.. wow.. that's kidna immature but i don't let it bother me because i know that people talk shit and i just don't let it phase me anymore i guesss
allx xshexxheard: but yeah i do care.. but i mean you seem happy and you have new friends and i hear that your boyfriend is really nice so i'm glad you're doing well
InfusedBlooms: yeah well have you ever thought that i say things because this really gets to me
allx xshexxheard: yeah i figured that would happen.. and i mean i probably have too.. i just don't like when people come up to me, "did you hear what liz said about you?!?!?!?!" and i'm like.. no the question is do i care? i mean i care what you think of me, i just don't like how people constantly tell me things when half the time it probably isn't true anyways
InfusedBlooms: i mean i dont like the fact that we never talk and when we do its always like very hurtful
InfusedBlooms: i mean i miss you alot but i dont really feel that you feel the same
InfusedBlooms: or taht you would even want to hang out with me again
allx xshexxheard: no i do.. that's why everytime i hear something it bothers me becuase like.. i don't know.. i'm not really doing as well as you.. i just kinda still have the same friends and no boyfirend and stuff but i'm glad you're happy now
allx xshexxheard: it's definitely about time that your life starts taking some postive turns
allx xshexxheard: so that's always good
InfusedBlooms: yeah well i think that we should at least try to mend our friendship agia
InfusedBlooms: n
InfusedBlooms: or like start over
allx xshexxheard: yeah.. i just figured that you never wanted to talk to me.. and i have a question
InfusedBlooms: and even though like my friends have gotten the wrong impression of you they are very excepting
InfusedBlooms: wgat
allx xshexxheard: last week your aunt called your sister threatening me and said soemthing like why doesn't she just fgiht liz and get it over with?! and sam called me and told me and i'm like wtf.. where did that come from?
InfusedBlooms: idk ill talk to you more at school or something
allx xshexxheard: okay
InfusedBlooms: but i have to bring nat home
InfusedBlooms: bye
allx xshexxheard: okay
allx xshexxheard: bye
allx xshexxheard: ttyl
InfusedBlooms: nice talking to you