Draco recieves a room.

Apr 20, 2005 20:57

Draco leans on the bar, breathing heavily. Puppets. Sodding puppets. He'd laugh if it were anyone else. And now he's stuck here. He'll have to get a room...

As though he has spoken aloud, a room key appears in the counter in front of him.

Draco doesn't know that somewhere in Gringotts a handful of Galleons disappears mysteriously from his account, and as he's never had to think about paying for anything before, he rather takes it for granted. He picks the key up and stares at it for a moment. It's heavy and archaic, and the number one is clearly engraved into its body.

Draco smirks. Number one, eh? Of course, someone around here recognises his true importance and superiority. Deciding he will find Val later, he pushes through the crowd towards what looks like a staircase. The rooms would be upstairs, of course, as they were in any good hotel - and just as he expects, the staircase seems to stretch upwards into infinity.

His mind still churning with everything Weasley has told him, Draco starts up the stairs.

After a little while, irritation begins to stir within him. Surely, being number one, his room would be on the first floor. First room on the first floor. Or close to the bar, at least.

But this is Milliways, of course, and so he continues to climb.

Finally, at one of the landings, a heavy oak door with a number one etched into it becomes visible. He glances back down the stairwell, and wishes he was able to get his hands on his broom - it'd make the climb (and descent, something he wasn't looking forward to) that much easier. Hand shaking with exhaustion, he inserts the key into the lock and turns.

Within, lies his room. Draco looks around; even a Real Estate agent would be hard-pressed calling this 'snug' or 'cosy' - it is small, plain and simple, and not at all what Draco is expecting. "Is this it?" he asks the world at large, a sneer making its way back onto his face.

But he walks in, shutting the door behind him, and collapses on the little bed - almost smaller than the one he had at Hogwarts. Nothing is going right today, but Draco is too tired to sit and agonise over the confusing turmoil of events. Instead, he transfigures his robes into something like pyjamas, and crawls under the covers, welcoming sleep.
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