
Dec 21, 2001 19:26

It feels like someone is constantly pushing against the base of the back of my neck with one hand.

Benign (I hope) cyst? Ick.

About a year ago a massuse friend noticed a small lump (diameter of a quater) on my back and suggested I get it checked. The dermatologist said it was a benign cyst, of a type he'd "seen thousands of". Doctor said it'd cost hundreds of bucks to remove as unnecessary "cosmetic" surgery, so he reccomended doing nothing. I asked if it would go away; he said it might, but more likely would just stay like it was. Soon after a girlfriend told me she'd noticed the lump at least 6 months earlier but never commented on it.
So I did my best to forget about it.
Then on my drive back from Florida I realized that my neck and back were bothering me more than they usually would from driving all day. I felt my back just at the base of my neck. The lump has widened (diameter of a golf-ball), and seems to be pushing against my spine.
I'm going to try to find a doctor to look at it tomorrow. May not be a good time of the year to get one before the end of the hollidays. I hope I don't have to spend the time and make a nusance of myself at an ER to get it looked at.

health, neck of frog

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