Hi from New Orleans Lite-- less people, more toxins

Oct 12, 2005 19:32

Yesterday I stopped through Algiers (old westbank part of New Orleans), which was the first Orleans Parish neighborhood reopened-- it was not in as good shape as I expected; lots of wind dammage, and many things still closed. My two favorites in Algiers Point, Old Point Bar and Dry Dock Cafe, were both up and running, but both had the ruins of wind destroyed buildings next door.

I then crossed the river (by bridge-- I just missed the last Ferry-- 6pm is too soon to close the Ferry, others were expecting to take it too) and went into the Quarter for the first time since I've been back. After parking I almost immediately met an old friend on the street, Dana, who'd just gotten back a few hours earlier, and she invited me in for a glass of wine to meet my smiling face.

Then over to Angeli, a restaurant usually, but in absence of other open venues has become the trad jazz place, with Jack Fine and the Jazz Vipers. Jack invited me to go grab my trombone; as it was in my trunk I did, though I played very little, with no solos-- they were an excellent tight band, and my lip wasn't up as I havn't picked up my horn since the 6th street gig in Austin, so I mostly just stayed out of the way. Very nice music, and great seeing Jack and Tom Saunders in particular. The clarinetist of the Genial Orleanians and his wife also walked in, having just gotten back in town (actually he plays in many even better bands too)...

I still havn't been able to get anything temporarily or permanent done to patch up my roof. Fortunately, it's been good weather-- at present it 'don't need fixing' as the Arkansaw Traveler would say. One roofer reccomended to me said he didn't do the old high-pitched roofs. (The high pitch and height keeps me from seriously thinking of doing it myself.) I got another lead from my neighbor; I reached said roofer who said they'd take a look at it in the next few days. Tha'd be good. FEMA/ Army Corps of Engeneers "Blue Roof Program" of tarping dammaged roofs seems bogged down here in NOLA; I know of one person who applied weeks ago, and some people around town have taken to erecting signs outside their homes asking for the Blue Roofs.

Today I did various errands and checking out the places of a few friends still out of town. I got to Old Metarie for the first time, and it is certainly the most "up" area I've seen in the Metro area, even more so than anything I saw on the Westbank. I'd say it was about 80% up from what I saw-- a bit of a shock to see all the businesses open and even a school with kids after I crossed to the other side of the Canal at the Parish line.

Mid City still seems almost deserted other than occasional residents doing look-see & salvage.

The first three (3!) restaurants reopened in my neighborhood at various times today (I wasn't counting the bars that offered burgers).

Perhaps I'll take Hollie out to eat in my neighborhood tomorrow.

wine, algiers, music, french quarter

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