Dead Fridge Art

Oct 10, 2005 19:50

A post-Katrina folk art has developed in New Orleans: Dead Fridge Grafitti.

For those who don't know, refrigerators left with no power full of rotting food for 6 weeks are generally unsalvagable, so there are thousands on New Orleans area curbs. Some returnees tried opening theirs; survivors generally reccomend against it. Best practice says to duct tape the things shut & cart 'em out unopened.

People started writting on them, starting with the basic "TRASH", "TOXIC", or "DO NOT OPEN".

Then they started getting more clever: "SIR STINKS ALOT", "FREE TO A GOOD HOME", "KATRINA, YOU BITCH!"

My favorite so far read "WAS COLD HEARTED, NOW TOTALLY CORRUPT".

Ah, this important trend is being widely recognized:

Gallery of fridge pix on

photos, fridge art, renew orleans

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