This morning's post and pre hurricane update

Sep 22, 2005 11:23

mshollie & I got our free Tetanaus & Dyptheria vacinations this morning at a nearby clinic. I have a Snoopy bandage on my arm; Hoille requested a Sponge Bob, but they didn't have any so she settled for Bugs Bunny.

I got a check for $360 (no, I have no idea how they determine the amount) from the Red Cross in the mail yesterday, which H*E*B Supermarket cashed this morning, and I got some groceries for the household. We're getting ready to hunker down for Rita. I am so damn sick of hurricanes. We have friends in Dallas, but we havn't been able to figure that'd be any better (further north: good; further east: bad), so it looks like we'll be riding it out here in Austin.

Last night I played at the Austin Musicians Exchange (something like that) on Guadelup(e) Street. Doc on tuba, guitarist Brett, and me on trombone, with a sax player refugee from Gentilly joining us. Alas, we didn't really know songs in common, but I called for a 12 bar blues and that went well. It was one of those things were various performers take turns doing a couple numbers. It reminded me of the Neutral Ground (old Penny Post) in Uptown New Orleans, but no smoking.

We had some good red beans & rice and cornbread by a displaced New Orleans cook.

hurricanes, texas, health, food, evaucation, jazz, austin

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