Of spas, self-phones, and strange noises

Aug 21, 2005 12:32

Bev the Artist has been staying here. It's been great doing extended chatting with my dear old friend.

Thursday was a National Holiday here in the Amphibeous Republic of Frogistan: the first official "Ahh Spa Day". mshollie, Bev, and I had massuse friend Cristina over. The National Holiday went very well; we will not wait a year for the next one.

Alas, a motor on the hot-tub fried out and the electrician still hasn't been able to get the tub working again. As it's hot August the inflatable pool has been getting good use, but it's always best when both soaking systems are availible.

An email from Bev's German Sweetie Professor contained the phrase "self phone" (as opposed to a "home phone"). I like it; I'm going to start calling them self-phones too. (As in, "Hang up your damned self-phone and pay attention to where you're driving, you idjit!".)

When Herr Dr. Professor was here earlier I was glad to have a chance to prove that, contrary to the assumption in his homeland, one really can get good beer over here. However at Cooter Brown's what seemed to really astonish him was the large number of tv screens all over the walls.

I'm heartened that no less than 3 of the cartoons in the Sunday Times-Picayune comics section are voicing distain for the Shrub administration & the mass media that swallowed their stories without objection or serious analysis. I've said I've seen more and more signs of turning in the mainstream. It's just sad how often it takes so much of the public 5 or 6 years to wise up to what some of us have been saying all along.

The weekly Circle Bar gigs have been interesting, but on a less ambitious scale than had been planed earlier. Anyone who deals with Reverend Goat needs to remember that he's at least as much goat as reverend...

The Spanish Fort Jazz Band was offered a weekly gig, but our leader can't commit to playing so regularly. What with other personel situations, the band's in limbo. If we don't reform this band otherwise, I'll try getting the some of the band and repertory into my Froggy's Milneburg Joymakers.

bushco, cristina, hollie, jazz, beverly, music, telephones, beer, friends

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