
May 06, 2003 22:34

I love this time of year in New Orleans, with confederate jasmine, magnolia, and gardinias blooming in profusion here in uptown. Also, free yummy loquats. Mmmm, loquats.

I had a band practice with friends out on Bayou St. John Monday evening. It being Cinco de Mayo we wound up improvising a piece alternating sections of the Marsallies and La Cucaracha; sort of an 1862 Overture.

The amp on my main sound system blew out (just turned it on and it was dead). Damn, I don't want to have to buy a new one. Saturday I found one better than what I had at a yard sale just around the corner for two dollars. Yay.

I cleaned out a kitchen cabinet and found a forgotten bottle of "Samichlaus", the Swiss beer so dark and thick it makes Guiness look like Miller Lite, which someone gave me at least four years ago. I opened it up, it didn't smell skunked, tried a sip, but it's heavier than I like. I decided to try another use for it. Best batch of beer-bread EVER!

bread, loquats, phonography, music, new orleans, audio, beer

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