Sep 25, 2012 13:46

(FrogStar News Service, Dateline Sept 1912)

Photogravieurs of Duchess Zita of Austro-Hungary sans Chapeau published in Penny Papers! Civilised World is in a Tiszy!

A sly unscrupulous photographer with a telescopic-photographic lens captured racy images of Duchess Zita relaxing hatless in a private garden. While of course most reputable print concerns gave the photo-huckster the air, a few low class rags have seen fit to print startlingly explicit reproductions.

Condemnation of the brazen misbehaviour of the Duchess has been near universal.

On the contrary side, a few wanton liberals have expressed the view that should the Duchess enjoy the freedom of hatlessness away from public events, this is no business of the hoi-polloi.

Others, however, have countered that common sense would dictate the risk of such behaviour becoming public knowledge is too great to chance.

Emperor Franz Joseph, a tried traditionalist resistant to modern fripperies such as indoor plumbing, refused comment, but observers noted unmistakable disapproval on his regal brow.

A long time palace courtier who declined to be named advised there is general despair over what might become of the Empire once the new generation of Royals with such casual morals takes the throne.

scandal, 1912, royalty, exposure, frogstar news service, satire

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