BP: How Low Can You Go?

Jul 17, 2010 11:32

Latest round up of news links in the BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster.

Huffington Post:BP Oil Spill: 7 Secrets BP Doesn't Want You To Know (PHOTOS)

BP buys up Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community

Pro Publica: BP Texas Refinery Had Huge Toxic Release Just Before Gulf Blowout

S.F. Chronical:Did BP lobby Libya over Lockerbie bomber?

MSNBC: BP to drill for Libyan oil despite Lockerbie bomber furor

"Did BP trade oil for terrorist's release?"

CS Monitor:How fast will the Gulf bounce back from the BP oil spill?

"Uncertainties abound. Still, the unprecedented use of kerosene dispersants and the deep-water nature of the BP oil spill is littered with unknowns. In localized places such as marshes and beaches, they could stretch the ability of the Gulf's natural restorative powers to correct what one Gulf biologist calls man's "insult" to the ecosystem. Researchers, for example, have spotted fluorescent clouds in the deep Gulf, likely a byproduct of benzene in the water - a new phenomenon."

Natural Resources Defense Council Blog:Air Quality Data for Gulf Workers: More Worrisome Findings

WDSU:Scientists Say Gulf Spill Altering Food Web

Picayune:Giant oil skimmer 'A Whale' deemed a bust for Gulf of Mexico spill

"BP's use of chemical dispersants prevented A Whale, billed as the world's largest skimmer, from collecting a "significant amount" of oil during a week of testing that ended Friday."

Florida Oil Spill Law:BP live feed shows SEEPAGE from crack/fault in seafloor nearby oil gusher; Reported on CNN? (VIDEO)

July 17 BP Briefing: “Bubbles coming from valve” on casing, could be “methane” (VIDEO)

evil, bp, oil spill, terrorism, toxic, gulf of mexico, pollution, deepwater horizon, oil, disaster

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