Barrell of BP Oil Disaster Links

Jul 12, 2010 19:08

Discovery News: Gulf's Artificial Islands Already Failing

Photos show sand berm island intended to be oil barriers eroding out rapidly, submerging a construction bulldozer. "the man who took these pictures wished to remain nameless, fearing retribution from the governor's [Bobby Jindal] office."

Remarkable account from Sports Illustrated (!): 7 Days In The Life Of A Catastrophe

The Pump Handle, Out in the Oil with Captain Dave
Environmental & health concerns oil spill disaster: Media blackout hides critical data on relief wells: Video, photos

WDSU: Fired BP Contractor Claims Photo Flap Led To Dismissal. Former Soldier Blasts Management Of Cleanup Effort Samples Confirm Corexit Ingredients In Gulf Spill Area Far Above Toxic Concentrations
Toxicologists: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding”, "Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” and “Every Organ System"

WDSU: Gulf Coast Gas Stations Ditching BP Brand

Times-Picayune: Louisiana authorities report oil sightings from Gulf of Mexico spill

The Picayune now doing listings by Parish and by day of where oil is coming ashore.

Huffington Post:BP Commission highlights need for 8/29 Commission

Picayune Video images show new BP cap is on Gulf oil spill gusher

Hope this one works.

bp, oil spill, louisiana, toxic, gulf of mexico, pollution, jindal, oil, disaster

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